Highlight Icon Too Small When Place in Margin

Greg Wright
Greg Wright Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I created a highlight style with an icon that is placed in the margin (left or right). The icon displays just fine on the desktop app. However, in the Android mobile app the icon is so small that it pretty much looks like a large dot. In the desktop app, the icon resizes based on the font size. However, in the mobile app, changing font size has no effect on the size of the icon. Nor does changing the margin setting. It appears that the margin where the icon is placed is no more than about 10-15 pixels wide regardless of the margin setting in the mobile app. This causes the icon to be icon to be resize proportionally down to a width of about 10-15 pixels.

Side note: Icons placed inside the main text do resize properly based on the font size. It's only the icons placed in the left of right margin that don't behave properly.


Samsung Note 5

Android 5.1.1

App version 5.2.1 (Build 502010120)
