How do we change the icon used with an app on an android device?

How do we change the icon used with an app on an android device?
Biblia and Bible use the same icon. Yes, Biblia is in Spanish and Bible is in English BUT I can down load English Bibles in both and have four versions open at [almost] the same time. [Six when I also use Verbum] And then switch between the apps.
[[Biblia does not complain when I ask it to open English resources.]]
To my knowledge app icons on Android devices can't be changed by the end user.
All Faithlife mobile reader apps in all supported languages can open all purchased resources - by design. For example, the Spanish Biblia app can open Russian, Chinese, Korean, French, Swedish and yes, even English resources.
Faithlife decouples the free mobile reader applications (regardless of locale) from purchased resources, and therefore doesn't limit which resources can or can't be opened in each app. If a customer purchases a resource it will be available in all of our free mobile reader apps.