SUGGESTION: meets requirements of several requests re: Arcing, Sentence Diagram, Highlighting

If you have kept up to date on the Bible arcing website, you will know it has moved beyond arcing to bracketing and phrasing. This doesn't surprise me in that arcing emphasizes particular relationships that differ from bracketing or phrasing as BibleArc defines them. (BibleArc info given below double line).
However, the growth in their product emphasizes the degree to which Logos provides us with someone else's analysis to use rather than providing the tools to do our own analysis.
I would like to see Logos provide support for these with several small tweeks:
- In the preset highlights, add a simple new line after (we have before & after)
- In the preset highlights, a some indent features (1, 2, 3, 4 ... indents)
- In the Sentence diagrammer, add a label function that allows one to label a line from a predefined set of labels ... these are needed for a few of the tree structure diagrams, for the arced dependency diagram, for Bible Arcing, Bracketing ... and ideally some that are user created.
This would add a huge jump in functionality with comparatively little programming changes.
Examples of the actual tools:
Arcing and Bracketing are both study methods that serve to graphically display the flow of thought in a biblical text. Thus, in one way they are the same thing with just a difference graphical representation. Yet, each method possesses its own strength. Arcing’s strength is to most clearly display how groups of propositions relate to one another. Bracketing’s strength is to most clearly display the main point of the passage.
Consider the arc and bracket of Romans 3:21-26 below.
Notice now easy it is to see from the arc that 25a-25b relates to 25c-26b as an Action-Purpose relationship. God put Jesus forward as propitiation (action) in order to show God’s righteousness and that he might both just and the justifier (2 purposes).
Here, the bracket makes it crystal clear what the main point is, as seen by the longest line. “The righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law.” This is the main point that this entire passage supports and explains.
Phrasing goes by many names:
- block diagramming
- causal layout
- grammatical diagramming
- phrase diagramming
- propositional displays
- propositional outlines
- sentence flow
- text hierarchy
- thought-flow diagramming
Phrasing is a flexible and easy-to-use Bible study tool that allows you to visually trace a passage’s argument: simply indent to subordinate. The Biblearc phrasing feature has all sorts of mark-up features from arrows to relationship comments to Dot Notes.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
I'd agree with your suggestion. It would keep me from moving from Logos to Biblearc and back again. My only save is that I'm keeping all my notes and insights in OneNote so it's pretty easy to just cut and paste them there. But for those who use Logos' note system it would be a big help.
Alan Wilkerson
Portland OR.
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Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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I would really like to see Logos do something along these lines. [Y] They have a number of knowledgeable linguists and programmers who should be up to the task. Perhaps they could draw on their work from prior in-house projects and direct it toward an improved, linguistically-informed, more-or-less user-(and-keyboard!)-friendly text-charting tool.
As it is, I tend to copy and paste the passage I'm studying into OneNote, and then use relatively simple indents, annotations, and the like to group the passage into larger-and-smaller units and segments.
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This would be an incredible addition. I agree - it's nice to see someone else's work, and no doubt they've poured countless manhours into developing the propositional outlines, but it does force us to rely too much on others' work. The richness of the Bible is made even richer when some of these beautiful truths are discovered instead of taught. It's hard to cater to every user, but I wouldn't mind seeing advanced tools for power users.
I'll have to keep going back and forth between and Logos for now, and maybe find some way to incorporate my work done in one place into the other. It would be cool to find out if this is a potential near-future feature or if this will never happen.
Recovering bibliophile
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Agree this is much needed. Logos 8 please.
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You've got my vote
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BibleArc-type bracketing/arcing is my most wanted feature for the desktop app. I've literally dreamed about Logos and BibleArc officially teaming up to work together. I didn't just muse or daydream - I actually dreamed that it had happened, and remained convinced of it when I woke up.
It was pretty gutting when I realised it wasn't true.
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MJ. Smith said:
I would like to see Logos provide support for these with several small tweeks:
- In the preset highlights, add a simple new page after (we have before & after)
- In the preset highlights, a some indent features (1, 2, 3, 4 ... indents)
- In the Sentence diagrammer, add a label function that allows one to label a line from a predefined set of labels ... these are needed for a few of the tree structure diagrams, for the arced dependency diagram, for Bible Arcing, Bracketing ... and ideally some that are user created.
I also use Biblearc and have "daydreamed" about its integration into Logos.
MJ, would you clarify what you mean in item 1 by "add a simple new page after"?
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oopsMichael McLane said:"add a simple new page line after"?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I finally invested enough time on Biblearc tonight to figure out how to do phrasing on it (FWIW, I did John 17:20-26, the passage I'm preaching this Sunday).
I'm with MJ - FL desperately needs to add this to Logos. I haven't tried Biblearc's sentence diagrams yet, or its arcing (which frankly intimidates me
. But if they're anywhere near as easy as phrasing, I'll never fight with the existing Logos sentence diagramming tool again. I'd much rather do everything in Logos, but I need productivity more than I need a single tool.
Thanks for the thread, MJ.
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I recently got into arcing through the Biblearc website, and it's extremely valuable. I think Logos would have to put significant work to make arcing as easy as it is on Biblearc, which is probably why nothing has been done to that end. I'll have a hard time going back to Logos for anything arcing-related, although if it is at least a little more practical to accomplish in Logos I'd probably do my work first on Biblearc and then transfer it to Logos.
Recovering bibliophile
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This is my dream feature in Logos! Biblearc is great and it works well for bracketing, but I would love to see this in Logos. I'm not a fan of monthly subscriptions, so I'd love to see Logos add this as a paid feature set
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I've just discovered the biblearc tool and I too think this would be a great feature for Logos to develop for Logos 8 possibly or some future version of the software
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Adding my +1 in here. Would be nice to stay in one tool.
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I made a request for this, that people can upvote.