Stone and Campbell Glasses and the Nutty Slider Bar

Yes, I chose to re-brave Logos apps, choosing Noet as safest, and a cute purple highlighting.
And although this discusses app non-features, no suggestion for improvement is implied. Kevin's cute hat can grace another thread.
Normally I'd be hot on the trail of Stone vs Campbell (the free book, thank you, Logos) and their respective theologies. But before I could really get started, I noticed they seemed to wear the same glasses (ergo a nefarious glasses insertion). I tried to copy/paste the images and got only a text recommendation for Stone-Campbell from the app. Well, ok. Learned a lesson. No copy/ paste for guys with glasses.
I had successfully worked my way through 23 sectarian splits all the way to 'now'. But I wanted to skip over splitisms in Europe, so I grabbed the slider bar at the bottom, thinking it would move me 'forward'. I was sadly disappointed. I landed back at the start of the book. Because the slider only goes to chapter starts, there's 2 'chapters' ... the title page and TOC. Ergo, the slider is useless. Now I'd like to be a fly on the wall of that curiousity. I slugged through Europe splits. Well, ok. Another lesson learned. Slider bar equals available sections only.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.