A couple of L4 concerns ...

(‾◡◝) Member Posts: 927 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I had very little time to dive into L4 over the weekend, but I do have a few initial questions/concerns regarding usability.  Please forgive me if these topics have already been addressed.

1)  I see where L4 will print Logos generated documents like Handouts but what about text?  For example, I cannot simply highlight some text, right click, and then select 'Print'.  It looks to me like the only way I quick print something is to copy and paste into another application.  Is this an oversight?  Or, coming soon to a Beta near you?

2) Some print capability in the Logos Help files might be nice, too.

3) I would really like to have the Forward and Back buttons on my mouse enabled so I can navigate a little bit easier.

4) Clippings is a nice touch.  But, when I right click a selected passage and I get the drop down options, it would seem that there should be a "Add Selection to a New Clipping" option.  As it stands, I can only add a selection to a previous Clipping.  To put my selection into a New Clipping, I have to create a new one via Files/Clippings/Add Clipping.  I can live with it but it seems a little bit awkward.

5) Ditto Notes

Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)



  • Timothy Lovegrove
    Timothy Lovegrove Member Posts: 100 ✭✭

    JRS said:

    1)  I see where L4 will print Logos generated documents like Handouts but what about text?  For example, I cannot simply highlight some text, right click, and then select 'Print'.  It looks to me like the only way I quick print something is to copy and paste into another application.  Is this an oversight?  Or, coming soon to a Beta near you?

    I certainly wish for a way to print clippings, as well as the results in the Power Lookup window.