I Feel Like I'm Wearing Oven Mitts

SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am relieved that the Forum "search" box ""works" because at least I was able to discover why I "wasted/invested" an hour last night trying to change the lectionary. I had looked through a lot of posts and had found nothing. 14 pages and 1600? (Bob's number I think) are a little daunting. So...I now don't feel to badly about not being able to either "choose' "double-click" "drag" etc to change from "Catholic" to "RCL"  I still have not tried the "click a star" route.

I realize that I am one of those minority who never really took to the Office "ribbon" because it could not really be customized.The things that I knew where to find were often not included on a ribbon or were (IMHO) not very "intuitively" placed (Why did they include th  tin this section of the ribbon etc) So...the learning curve...

So, folks, any kinds of "getting started" files would help.  V.4 looks "pretty" and my artistic-designer etc wife will probably really like this - but I'm part of the 10% who are used to looking under the hood as opposed to the "click-all-over-the-page-crowd."

As I still must produce sermons and Bible Study's while "beta-ing," the V.3 on the laptop will remain by my side, in order to get done all that must be "churned" out etc.. But the Tower beta machine will be at your disposal (minus my beloved PBB's etc) for the duration of "beta-testing.'

But I still feel like I'm wearing "oven mitts" -- each new step is intimidating and frustrating. So I appreciate the honesty and candour of so many of you. And as many of us have $1000's invested I think it is prudent to be very candid. And no, I don't think I really want to go back 12 years to Logos 2  :) but...for those of you "keeners" in the development room thinking up new "Logo-isms" like "sympathetic.." etc and yes even the term "lemma" etc come to mind--as far as I can tell, the Logos crowd are still the only ones using that (in-house coined) word.

So..as we are thrown in at the deep end...even a "definitions of words we thought up while you were sleeping" might help?  :)






Regards, SteveF



  • Juanita
    Juanita Member Posts: 1,339 ✭✭✭


    Dittoes!  The change is huge and intimidating to me.  I'm the type who likes tutorials.  I wish there was a process to learn rather than just diving in.  I'm looking for options, something methodical.

  • spitzerpl
    spitzerpl Member Posts: 4,998 ✭✭✭

    I realize that I am one of those minority who never really took to the Office "ribbon" because it could not really be customized.

    Rumor has it Office 2010 Ribbons will be customizable and throughout all MS Office Apps.