Desktop vs. iCloud vs. Mobile App Documents Synching

Sorry if I've missed the answer to my question in the wealth of information these forums afford. I've followed all the advice I have found, signing out of both desktop and mobile apps, even re-installing mobile app.
I have in "Documents" Note documents, Passage List documents, and Sentence Diagram documents. My desktop LOGOS has all types, as does the cloud version ( However, my mobile (iPhone) app only shows Note documents.
I'll figure out how to live with it, but I'd like to know for sure that only Note documents are visible on the Mobile App.Can anyone confirm?
my app version is 5.5.5 (5.5.50131)
my OS version is 10.0.1.
Passage Lists and Sentence Diagrams are not supported in the mobile apps. The Documents that are currently supported are Notes, Reading Plans, and Clippings.