Finding Popular Groups

GaoLu Member Posts: 3,499 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

There are many excellent Faithlife groups, and I imagine I may be missing out on some of the best. 

Is there a way to filter groups by 1) Activity level B) Popularity C) Number of members?


1. What if I could find a great existing group for Baptist churches in Phoenix?  Presently if I search for "Baptist Phoenix," I might get a lot of hits with no members.  What if we could sort by the filters above?

2. What if there is some awesome group that just never got mentioned. Maybe someone wants to join the Anti-Missourian Group.  I think the Visual Commentary group is of great interest, but how many people have no idea it exists? The filters above might help find that.  

Is this presently possible?  

Perhaps this thread could be used to post such groups  of 1) special Interest 2) popular
