TDNT Download Issue

For some time now, TDNT has been in a constant state of wanting to be updated. Every time I open the Bible! App, it says TDNT needs to be updated. I update the resource, and it appears to be downloaded, but after siting and restarting the Bible! app, it says TDNT needs to be updated again. See screenshots...
Two resources need updating...
i Update All...
Finished updating, all good...
Exit Bible! and reopen it...
Not a major problem, but annoying.
i have removed the resource, exited and reopened Bible! and it still wants to update the resource.
Hi Bill,
Please use "Report a Problem" under the Help menu so we can examine the application logs. It would help if you referenced this thread in the email and mention that I asked you to report it (this helps the logs get routed to me).
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I just sent the log files and a message...
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Thanks Bill, I've written up a case.