Sharing a Palette
Is there a way to share a highlight palette to a Faithlife group? I attempted to share one of my palettes, and apparently it shared my Logos documents folder, so I removed it.
The group in question is this
Is there a way to share a highlight palette to a Faithlife group?
Depends on Faithlife group permissions. Followers OR Members of Faithlife group => can publish (share) documents.
Observation: the "Inductive Bible Study (Precept)" highlighting palette shared by Donna Cole is a copy of the "Inductive/Precept" palette provided by Faithlife with many styles deleted, one change (circumstances), and three additional styles:
The imprisonment style has a chain graphic.
Documents => can show each of your documents along with visibility (private OR shared with # of groups)
For Day One of Precept Study, choose a bear graphic for Paul instead of blue color with visual filter
<Person Paul> INTERSECTS (,Paul)
Keep Smiling [:)]