iOS Reader Suite 5.10.3 and 5.10.4 Release Notes

The 5.10.4 version of Bible!, and 5.10.3 versions of Faithlife Study Bible, Verbum, Vyrso, Biblia! and Noet have been released and should soon be available in the Apple Store.
- Added welcome messages for several features (Bible app)
- Added push notifications for helpful features such as reading reminders, exclusive book sales, and info about app updates (Bible app)
- Various bug fixes and improvements
If you discover any issues please create a new post and include the following info:
Description – How were you using the app when the problem occurred?
App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Noet, Verbum or Vyrso)
Device Info – (iPad Mini Gen 2, iPad Air Gen 3, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, etc.)
iOS Version – (9.x, 10.x)
Am I correct that the size of this app nearly doubled? is most of this "marketing" improvements that slow the app and bloat it? I wish more energy would go into improving performance.
I am always thankful for squished bugs and for a great, constantly improving app. Thanks!
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Cant edit my message above because of errors, but the app size apparently is quote different now from what appeared earlier, so maybe that isn't an issue now.
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Hi Gao! Thanks for your support and positive feedback! The app size increased when we added the new iMessage extension -- Apple does some things on their end that makes the app bigger than we expect sometimes. We've trimmed it down now, thanks for your patience!