Android app Reading Plan problems

Scott Aniol
Scott Aniol Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am trying to use custom reading plans on my Android app and experiencing a few problems.

First, not all of my reading plans are showing up on the Home screen (I even created an identical plan on the Desktop to the one that is showing on Android, and the new one does not appear!).

Second, with the reading plan that does appear on the home screen of the Android app, when I click "Connect," it just spins and spins and never connects.

I've tried this on both my Google Pixel phone as well as my Asus tablet. Both experience the same problems.




  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    Hi Scott,

    Some complex custom Reading Plans don't work in the mobile apps (this is a known issue).

    One way to determine whether a custom Reading Plan will work (or not) on mobile is to open a web browser to and sign in with your Faithlife account. This site will show a listing of your Documents, including Reading Plans.

    If you click on the Reading Plan in question and then click on the List link (at the upper right of the panel) and the list of readings either appear blank, show commas/semi-colons, etc. but don't show actual reading references, that indicates the Reading Plan won't work on mobile.

    I'll add your report to the existing case - sorry for the troubles.