Error downloading certain Spanish resources

Hello, I'm using Spanish Logos Bible app 5.10.2 on Android 6.0.1 (Samsung Note 5). I have a Salomon Library and a Logos Now suscription.
When I enter my Library and select some resources for download ("Mujeres aconsejando mujeres" LLS:MJRSCNSJNDMJRS, for example), the download starts, the progress bar gets full, but then I got an alert telling me "Error en la descarga" (remember I'm using the Spanish version).
I can read the document but I need to be online. If I use my phone in plane mode or in a bad reception are (no Internet connection), I can't open the book, so I presume it's not fully downloaded...
In the Spanish forum other users had confirmed the same behaviour in their respectives Android devices...
Hi Victor,
We are aware of this issue and a case already exists. Thanks for the report!