SUGGESTION: Touch-Bar support for Mac-Book Pros

The latest generation of MacBook Pros (2016 onward) have a Touch Bar at the top of the keyboard which adapts to whatever task you are doing.
It would be great to see some functionality for this within Logos. One things that springs to mind is highlighting, but I'm sure there are more.
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You've got my vote!
In the meantime, check out Better Touch Tool (
I just got a new Macbook Pro yesterday, and found Better Touch Tool while searching for a way to use the touch bar with Logos. You can create custom buttons. I have four: Open my library, open my Bible, open the copy verse pane, and open a search window. You can give it a set of instructions for a single item. For instance, there are three steps to open the ESV: go to the command bar, type "open esv", and press the ENTER key.
BTW, one of my minor annoyances with the new MacBook is the touch pad is so big that I keep accidentally moving the mouse while typing. Better Touch Tool can "disable" the touch pad while you type, and reactivate it half a second after you stop, or whatever time you set.
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Gregory Lawhorn said:
...BTW, one of my minor annoyances with the new MacBook is the touch pad is so big that I keep accidentally moving the mouse while typing. Better Touch Tool can "disable" the touch pad while you type, and reactivate it half a second after you stop, or whatever time you set.
Just give it time, Gregory. You'll soon be far more annoyed by hitting the Siri button on the Touch-Bar when attempting to hit the delete key. [:)]. The touch pad issue will probably fade in perceived severity in the same way that you quickly forget a paper cut as soon as you break your leg. [;)].
I've had mine since December, and I still like it, despite a few frustrations. I'm looking forward to checking out the Better Touch Tool you mentioned. Thanks!
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Yes, I've had that pleasure a few times. I removed Siri and replaced her with the notification center. I'm still trying to adjust to the arrow keys; I'm used to being able to simply feel where they are, and they're so flush with the case that I have to look. Other than that, I'm pretty pleased.
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I would like to echo this request. It would be great to have touch-bar support.
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
I'm using my MacBook Pro everyday and there is such a difference between apps that make good use of the touch bar and those that don't. The Touch Bar is seriously a very powerful tool. Please lets make use of it
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
Agreed, Jacob. Well put.
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Check this out. (And not that it was written in January. The app is no longer in Alpha but quite stable, apparently.)
"The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected."- G.K. Chesterton
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Gregory Lawhorn posted above that he uses BTT and what he does with it.
I'll throw in my vote for Logos to add Touchbar support, but I'm afraid the Touchbar is going to be a niche item for awhile.
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hey greg, sorry to dig up an old thread but just wondering if you could explain how you set up the actions for Logos in BTT.. i see how to configure BTT but not how to make it execute commands like "open esv"
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Hi Jeremy,
I'll walk you through the process of setting up Better Touch Tool with Logos.
1. Click on the + button on the left side of the BTT window, below the "Select Application" pane. Choose "Select apps from running apps" and choose Logos.
2. Click on + Touch Bar Button toward the bottom of the main portion of the BTT window.
3. The name you give will be used on the TouchBar, so "Open ESV" or even just "ESV" would be good.
4. Click in the field to the right, "Custom Keyboard Shortcut," and press Option+Command+L. This places the cursor in the Command Line field in Logos. (You might want to go to Logos and try that shortcut first, just to make sure, but that's how my Mac is set up).
5. Click "Attach Additional Item" at the bottom of the BTT window. You'll see a new line appear below the first shortcut, with an arrow pointing to it.
6. Click "Predefined Action," choose "Utility Actions", and then choose "Insert/Type/Paste Custom Text."
7. To open the ESV, type open esv in the popup box, and click save.
8. Click "Attach Additional Item" again.
9. Click in the "Custom Keyboard Shortcut" field, and press the Return key.
So in brief, you've told BTT to go to the Command Bar in Logos, type in "open esv," and press return.
That's it - jump over to Logos and give it a try. You might need to click the BTT icon to open up the TouchBar items for Logos.
Let me know if you have any difficulties.
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perfect! thank you!
just a couple questions..
1) do you know how to make it open something to a new window? i tried to "attach additional action" and selected "shift down" then another action which was typing 'enter' then a final action "shift up". but apparently that wasn't the same as holding shift while hitting enter in the command bar
2) any idea how to type an arrow key? it doesn't seem to register the keystroke.thanks!
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No problem, my pleasure.
For question 1, I don't think Logos can open something into a floating window. A docked panel has to be changed into a floating window. Command+Option+F is the keyboard shortcut, but Logos takes so long to open a window in the first place that BTT triggers the shortcut before there is a panel to apply it to.
What you could do is create another BTT shortcut that would play the Command+Option+F keystroke, and that would work on any active panel.
For question 2, BTT records arrow keys when I click in the "Custom Keyboard Shortcut" field. I found a "Move left one space" and "Move right one space", but they don't move the cursor.
Of course, it depends on what you're trying to accomplish. If you are working on a more complicated routine to run on some text (and bless your heart if you are, I love macro stuff!), then I highly recommend a program called Keyboard Maestro ( It's little pricy at $36, but I use it for all sorts of things. (I used to use a program called Quickeys, but the developer has ignored it for several years).
For instance, we have a 30 year old mentally and physically handicapped son. I'm his guardian/conservator, and I'm required to submit paperwork on his condition and finances every year. I track everything in Excel, and then use Keyboard Maestro to transfer the info from Excel to the state's PDF form. It takes less than a minute to copy three dozen lines in Excel and paste the results in the appropriate fields on the PDF form.
I've also experimented with using Keyboard Maestro to build complex searches in Logos. If you've done that, you know Logos is really unforgiving; everything has to be just right. So I set up a routine that asks me for two words, and then the number of words separating them, and then pastes the result into a search window: "Abraham WITHIN 20 WORDS Jacob." That way I don't have to remember the exact syntax.
Anyway, I hope this helps,
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hey thanks. i'll mess around with it
actually if you type in the command box "open passage guide" for instance, but hold shift before hitting enter it opens passage guide in a floating window instead of docked. that's what i was trying to emulate. i must not be executing the "shift" command correctly somehow
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