Possible issue

Hello everyone. I have been unable to post for several reasons. The main one is that, as I speak, Logos is updating autmatically for the third time. That is three times in the last three days, and add the time that the update to Vista SP2 stole from me, and I've not been able to do too much. I have run some tests.
I love the interface; it looks good and many of the objets I am looking for are readily available so far.
While I was playing with some of the preferences, I could not get the fonts to change permanently, and had some difficulty accesseing some of the other preference selections. But I have to acknowledge that the first round of indexing was in progress and it may have made changing some of the sttings very slow.
After the indexing was done on the firstudpate, I started putting collections together. Only two issues here:
1) When I was dragging resources into the "add" pane I noticed that every time I drag a resource there the resource list refreshes tro the beginning of the list. It makes things very slow. Is there a way to keep the list from refreshing to the beginning of the list?
2) When I got about half-way through setting up my first collection, I got a crash notice and, since it was immediately after this that Logos startred a second update, I assumed that was the cause of the crash. Any way, I lost the collection chnages I had made. I am going to proceed with this as soon as the indexing stops on the THIRD update.
GreggWatson said:
1) When I was dragging resources into the "add" pane I noticed that every time I drag a resource there the resource list refreshes tro the beginning of the list. It makes things very slow. Is there a way to keep the list from refreshing to the beginning of the list?
Currently no. It has been noted by a number of people.
It's very frustrating.
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