DIY Bible Study Adjust Date Error

I sent a bug report but thought I'd check with the community in case there's something on my end I can adjust.
I'm using the DIY Bible Study, but when I fall behind a few days and click "adjust to today" it adjusts the date to something very random. This time it says March 2027. This is the second time I've had to adjust the date and it's happened both times.
Are there some settings I can look at, or at least a better way to fix my date rather then deleting, adding it again, and continually pressing"done for today" until I'm caught up to where I left off? That doesn't really fix it, either but it's better than 2027. Weeks ahead is better then years I suppose 😂
Husband, Dad, Expat to Northern Europe. I serve people, share hope, & write about simple theology for a messy life at