Topical Study in the Web App
I have been using the web app on my Chromebook for about the last two months or so and really enjoy it. One weak area seems to be doing topical studies. The topical guide is not available, but a weakened version of Factbook is. I say "weakened" because it does not seem capable of producing results when users search for books of the Bible. For example, typing in "Romans" gives the options of "Romans Ethnic group" or "Humbert of Romans Topic," but no entry for "Romans, Paul's Epistle to" (or whatever the wording is on the desktop). I assume this is because Factbook on the desktop uses the Bible Books Dataset and the web app version does not, but I do not know for sure. If Factbook is intended to replace the topical guide in the web app, may I make the following suggestions:
1. Increase the number of resources that are supported by Factbook. Ideally at a bare minimum this would include every resource with type:encyclopedia.
2. Enable support for the web app version of Factbook to show results for books of the Bible, or at least for those who have access to the Bible Books Dataset.
3. As a quick and dirty workaround, allow users to search their whole library using the "headings" and "large text" fields. It will produce some false positives, but would probably less expensive and could be implemented faster than adding the needed tagging to make resources work with Factbook.
Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Thanks for this, we are currently trying to get the guides and Factbook up to speed, your input is valuable and will be considered!
Soli Deo Gloria,
Jeromy Blomquist | Academic Program Manager |