β2 is extremely processor hungry

TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Just for what it's worth before things are optimized.  I've noted that Beta2 is extremely needy of my processor on a regular basis. 

The graphic below is a 60 second snapshot showing overall processor usage.  The orange line is Logos 4.

I have two observations you should notice. 

  1. I have a dual core processor so when Logos shows 50% that means that it's using 100% of one of the cores.
  2. Notice that every second or two Logos demands a surge in processor usage. 

You should know that I'm not doing anything when this snapshot was taken.  This is 60 seconds of just sitting completely still with no input from mouse or keyboard or anything. 

A list of my running programs might help for comparison. 

  • Bibleworks 8
  • Logos 4
  • Firefox (two tabs (a new low for me !))
  • Notepad
  • Openoffice.org writer
  • Resource monitor
  • Digsby (instant messenger platform)

System Specs
* Desktop | AMD X64 3800+ (2.0Ghz) dual core | 4GB RAM | Dual 22" wide-screen monitors at 1680x1050 | Nvidia 7300 GS 256MB video RAM |500 GB Raid Mirror. | Windows 7 64bit RC 7100 - all patches.

Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 



  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,818

    Very interesting.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Mike  Aubrey
    Mike Aubrey Member Posts: 447 ✭✭

    I haven't seen anything like this. My cpu is running between about 10% & 25% - AMD Turion X64 2.0Ghz.

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭

    tcblack said:

    Just for what it's worth before things are optimized.  I've noted that Beta2 is extremely needy of my processor on a regular basis. 

    The graphic below is a 60 second snapshot showing overall processor usage.  The orange line is Logos 4.



    I have noticed this CPU signature in the past.  But I'm not seeing it now, however my Logos usage has been light since I started it today.  Yesterday, Logos4's memory usage was around 500MB,  today it's sitting around 250MB.  Perhaps the CPU usage is related to a component that's only loaded on demand.

    You're not indexing anymore, right?


    MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540

  • Ebbe Andréasson
    Ebbe Andréasson Member Posts: 720 ✭✭

    tcblack said:

    Just for what it's worth before things are optimized.  I've noted that Beta2 is extremely needy of my processor on a regular basis. 

    This is not my experience.

    A list of my running program:

    • Filemaker Pro
    • Libronix 3
    • OpenOffice writer four windows
    • Firefox
    • Logos 4
    • Babylon
    • Resource monitor

    And here is my CPU stat when idling:


    I run XP with 4 GB ram and dual core.



  • TCBlack
    TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭

    You're not indexing anymore, right?

    Right.  I'm no longer indexing.

    Interestingly enough I've been watching my laptop running and it is much more like EbbeAndreasson's experience.

    The only difference is that I've been running on my desktop since yesterday.  The laptop only an hour or so.

    System Specs

    * Laptop | Pentium 4 @2.4 Ghz 384MB RAM | Windows XP Home SP3, all patches.

    * Desktop | AMD X64 3800+ (2.0Ghz) dual core | 4GB RAM | Dual 22"
    widescreen monitors at 1680x1050 | Nvidia 7300 GS 256MB video RAM |500
    GB Raid Mirror. | Windows 7 64bit RC 7100 - all patches.


    I've included the logs from both systems with and without the cpu cycling.


    Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭

    tcblack said:

    The only difference is that I've been running on my desktop since yesterday.  The laptop only an hour or so.

    I started doing some tasks in logos (collections, PG, opening resources, infographics), and have several windows up now.  Look at the CPU:


    It was flat before I started doing stuff.  I stopped to let the computer rest, and Logos4 is now popping in every 5 seconds like clockwork and grabbing 21-24% of my CPU.  I wonder if it's the sync manager checking for changes.  Let's see if it grows over time or usage.

    MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540

  • Tom Reynolds
    Tom Reynolds Member Posts: 1,458 ✭✭✭

    On my Intel Core 2 Duo P7370 2.0GHz Logos is jumping to the top of the Task Manager list every few seconds with about 8% usage (sometimes as high as 20%). It and MS Word seem to be taking turns topping the scale; perhaps they are dancing. Logos4 is using 230MB of memory. Logos is obviously continuously doing something in the background even when it's just sitting there.


  • TCBlack
    TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭


    what are your system specs?  20% is much lower than 50% of mine.  I wonder if the processor makes a difference?


    Incedently after closing and then restarting Logos4 I'm seeing a much more conservative jump like you two are reporting:


    Note the very small orange line at the bottom, that's Logos4.exe after about 10 minutes of running.

    Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭

    tcblack said:


    what are your system specs?  20% is much lower than 50% of mine.  I wonder if the processor makes a difference?

    My system is a 5 year old single core Pentium M 2GHz.  Not exactly top of the line anymore.


    MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭




    It's increased since I last checked.  I have opened a few more resources in the mean time, but have not done much else.

    MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540

  • TCBlack
    TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭

    Wow Todd, I think we're on to something here.  Memory leak and CPU (er... leak?) too.

    I'm about to shut off my computer till Saturday, gotta take my High School Senior to visit Moody Bible Institute. 

    Hopefully by Saturday we'll know something.

    Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭

    Closed most of my resources down (had NA27, library, PG, Collections, and Help still open ) and got this:



    Then I did a "close all", and it flat-lined.  Logos never rose above 1% with all windows closed.

    Memory usage dropped to 153MB, too.  It was at 350MB.

    MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540

  • Richard Lyall
    Richard Lyall Member Posts: 1,018 ✭✭

    I'd already reported this, but it had no reply - I was wondering if it was just my machine. I have a very similar pattern of regular 50% CPU spikes on a dual core machine - it seems to happen in bursts.

  • Kenneth Morris
    Kenneth Morris Member Posts: 235 ✭✭

    Same here richard. I ran a performance report and Logos4 is consistantly the hot program for % CPU and memory usage.

    Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash 

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    tcblack said:

    Just for what it's worth before things are optimized.  I've noted that Beta2 is extremely needy of my processor on a regular basis.

    Both Beta1 and Beta 2 run at 0 - 4 % and c. 210 MB peak with only Firefox (2 tabs) in the foreground [Laptop, Win XP, Core 2 duo 2.0 GHz, 2 GB mem].

    I would suggest that we need a benchmark test from Logos so that they can truly gauge what is happening.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • There is a software called "Advance System Care" that is very good at making software give up RAM that they are not using. This helps, especially when you only have 1 GB of Ram to work with.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • SteveF
    SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭

    Today when the program crashed while trying to print the Mem Usage was up to 600,000K and I watched it climb to about 800 or 900000K before I rebooted. Right now after a reboot it is only at 207,000K.


    Regards, SteveF

  • SteveF
    SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭

    Rebooted at 9 pm and Logos 4 about 204,000 K Of "Mem Use.

    By 10:45 it has climbed to 394,480 K.

    Indexing has also been happening all of that time.



    Regards, SteveF

  • SteveF
    SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭

    Ah, I see that Logos4Indexer.exe has its own line in the Task Manager and is also using an additional 254,600 K of "Mem Use"

    I have turned everything else off except for my Thunderbird (Firefox) email.


    Regards, SteveF

  • Ken Shawver
    Ken Shawver Member Posts: 519 ✭✭

    It also doesn't seem that Beta 2 likes to release the processor even after you close a search. I was doing a word search on a lemma when I discovered I was looking at the wrong lemma and closed the search. My processor remained pegged at 100% long after I closed the search. I even had to use Task Manager to close v4 to release the processor. Now I know my processor isn't the latest and greatest but I can get it to run tons of stuff.

    I think this is one thing that needs to be addressed before the general release. Logos needs to be processor friendly. Reminds me of Paradox it didn't play friendly with other apps.

    In Christ,


    Lenovo Yoga 7 15ITL5 Touch Screen; 11th Gen Intel i7 2.8Ghz; 12Gb RAM; 500Gb SDD;WIN 11


  • Michael Kahler
    Michael Kahler Member Posts: 73 ✭✭

    I've been following this thread and noticed my CPU usage has at times pegged all the way up to 100%, also. The odd thing about it is, it's not a consistent problem!  It was definitely higher when indexing occurred during the first beta install from the DVD and also the indexing when updating to beta2.

  • Ken Shawver
    Ken Shawver Member Posts: 519 ✭✭

    Michael, I have experienced the similar thing where it pegs @ 100% but comes back down. I just noticed that when I was running the search and tried to stop it, the CPU remained pegged at 100% until I shut down v4.

    In Christ,


    Lenovo Yoga 7 15ITL5 Touch Screen; 11th Gen Intel i7 2.8Ghz; 12Gb RAM; 500Gb SDD;WIN 11


  • SteveF
    SteveF Member Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭

    This is an observation - I do not have any expertise in this area:

    This afternoon I had the program (Beta 2) open for about 2.5 hours.

    I did a Passage Guide; a "search all my computer"; edited a handout etc; "explored" Bible Explorer and clicked on a number of its "cited" links etc.

    Finally  I decided to do a simple restart of the program because I had run out of memory - it had gotten up to 900,000K

    Once re-started it settled in at the 190,000K level.

    I have a tray indicator that lets me know when available memory is low. It probably saved me from freezing up entirely (as happened last week).

    I don't know if this is something that can be optimized (like indexing) or is just something that I will have to put up with on my older P4 single core.

    But I have seen questions/comments relating to 'memory leaks" or of the program not "releasing" memory back.



    Regards, SteveF

  • Tom Reynolds
    Tom Reynolds Member Posts: 1,458 ✭✭✭

    I can get it up to 500K+ but I can't make it hit 600K of RAM. It also seems to be releasing RAM and dropping back to 300K+ quite readily. I am using Vista Business SP2 with no RAM management utility. I will leave it for 2 or 3 hours and see what it's at when I return.


  • Tom Reynolds
    Tom Reynolds Member Posts: 1,458 ✭✭✭

    I can get it up to 500K+ but I can't make it hit 600K of RAM. It also seems to be releasing RAM and dropping back to 300K+ quite readily. I am using Vista Business SP2 with no RAM management utility. I will leave it for 2 or 3 hours and see what it's at when I return.


    Update - It's holding steady under 500K K

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    I haven't observed processor usage but B2 operations do slow dramatically after c. 2-3 hours of use. Just trying to change a text search can be exasperating and tab opens and closes get up to 10 second mark.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭

    I haven't observed processor usage but B2 operations do slow dramatically after c. 2-3 hours of use. Just trying to change a text search can be exasperating and tab opens and closes get up to 10 second mark.

    My experience makes me think that the more windows open the slower it is, i.e.  things speed up again when you close resources. I've had my current instance running for a couple days now, and it's still basically the same speed as when I started.  But that's hard to quantify, especially since I've just used it sparingly (reading, no reports) during that time.

    MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540

  • Tom Reynolds
    Tom Reynolds Member Posts: 1,458 ✭✭✭

    I just downloaded what I assume is Beta3 or a very large update to 2 ( It is currently indexing my library and using over 90% of both cores on my Core 2 Duo processor. Obviously this impacts the total usage of my computer and I can't do any other heavy duty lifting while it is indexing.

  • Robert Pavich
    Robert Pavich Member Posts: 5,685 ✭✭✭


    you know what's weird?

    I have a 3 year old dell Core Duo 1.8ghz laptop. I can work, use Logos, and do anything while this thing is indexing; it doesn't slow it down a bit.

    Robert Pavich

    For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    It says "have mercy on these old single core machines but thrash the living daylights out of Core 2" (my 5yr old Athlon XP 2.16 GHz handles it better than my Core 2 duo laptop).


    Windows 11 & Android 13