Faithlife: Need for Help at ChristianDiscourse
Gao Lu said:
The mail was in my spam box. Thanks for helping me think of that.
If there's any indication on why it was flagged as spam, that would be tremendously helpful to know.
Another question for FL: Would it be okay (copyright-wise) to use the icons from the previous CD forum?
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Thanks Jan!
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Jan Krohn said:
Another question for FL: Would it be okay (copyright-wise) to use the icons from the previous CD forum?
Please submit a request with details (including which icons and a description of the usage) to
FYI, here's generally the place to find answers to permissions questions:
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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After being away from CD for a while, I was surprised to learn of her demise. She had great potentials for bringing enlightenment to so many (pro/con).
- If CD is sick, get her a doctor. Let's do all we can to save her.
- If CD is spiritually weak and petty, let's call a Holy Convocation and pray for a revival and reformation for greater Christian content and online civility.
- If CD is dead, eulogize her. She deserves a proper funeral for the good she has done and growth potentials.
- After CD's funeral, give her a proper burial, on some large server, so former users can have access and visit its archives. Great value remains in her bowels.
- If CD can't remain extinct, let us prepare for a reunion and a celebration of her resurrection.
- With new life, let CD keep her characteristics and freedom of expressions for all to express truth (independently verifiable or at least, documented) at the same time, distinguishing it from opinions. CM
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CM, we've missed you on the old CD forum for some time and would like to see you and others join in on the new. Jan did a great job setting this up and it has the same vibe as the original forum.