How to turn off Daily Digest

Please tell me how to stop getting the Daily Digest. I have my notification settings set to only get emails where I have posted or where I am admin, but the daily digests keep coming. I dont see a way to turn off the Daily Digest, and those emails do not provide an unsubscribe link like others have. Please advise.
BTW: I don't think it's right for FL to rest notifications after users have turned them off. I never received FL notifications until a few months or so ago. All of the sudden I've been blasted with them in my inbox quite often.
Myke Harbuck
Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College
Hi there, can you forward me the email you were getting? There should be a link at the bottom that allows you to change your preferences.
My email is dustin (dot) masters (at) faithlife
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I have also begun getting them daily and don't see where to turn them off. I might think the "Notifications" page, but don't see it there.
"Hi, Gao Lu,
Here's what is happening in your Faithlife Groups."
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On this page,
There is a dropdown at the top of the page that probably says "Balanced". Click that, and choose "Less" if you don't want any digests except for groups you moderate.
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Also, if you ever customized your notifications in the past, you can hit Reset to remove any per-group overrides.
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Wrong. Didn't work.
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Also, if any of the sliders are set to daily, you may still get a digest.0 -
My way didn't work. Your way works. Thanks.