Trick or Treat: Reference Select Bug on Split Screen

William Gabriel
William Gabriel Member Posts: 1,091 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This is a frustrating bug that happens all the time on my mobile devices. I'm sending in a screenshot from my iPhone (6s, iOS 10.3.2, Logos mobile ver 5.17.1), but I think this happens on every device: iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, and it's happened through several versions of the app. I would have expected something like this to have been fixed by now for how long it's been happening. Surely I'm not the first to have noticed?!

When I select some references, if the reader thinks it can display the verse I select when starting at the beginning of the chapter, it will start at the beginning of the chapter. Many, many times it cannot actually show the verse I browsed to and I have to scroll to find it. It happens particularly often in split screen mode--I cannot recall if it happens in full screen mode. 

This behavior is counterproductive. I know you want to show me context. That's cool. But how about you just browse to the verse I asked for and I can scroll from there myself to look at the context.

Here's a screenshot I just took to replicate. I browsed to Mark 1:10, and this is the screen I got. It even ends up "admitting" that I only get Mark 1:1-8 despite trying to see Mark 1:10. There have also been far more egregious ones than this, but I'm usually in the middle of actually trying to use the resource for something in real life and have to quickly move on. 
