Suggestion: Standardize Morphology pattern between resources!

I was doing a quick study on Col 1:17 and was looking at the word synestimi and trying to decipher the "alphabet soup" as George calls it...when i opened the NA27 Morph so see the little pop up morph info at the bottom of the was then that I noticed that the ORDER of the morph info is different!
ESV: Part of speech / tense / voice / mood / person / number
NA27: Part of speech / person / number / tense / voice / mood
is it an unreasonable request to standardize the morph info so I don't have to learn two systems?
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
Thanks, I'm filing a case.
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Robert Pavich said:
the ORDER of the morph info is different
Hi Robert.
The problem here is that these are two different morphological systems -- the NA27 w/Gramcord uses the GRAMCORD morphology; reverse interlinears use hte Logos morphology. They are simply different in their specifications (and in terminology, particularly in function words like conjunctions, particles, etc.).
You should have an NA27 with the Logos morphology in your library. Type in "NA27" and select the one that doesn't have GRAMCORD in its title. Then you'll be comparing apples to apples when comparing reverse interlinear morphology data with the Greek NT.
Note that I *think* exegetical guide actually does some rudimentary comparison of morphological info. Look for the pipe followed by the plus/minus. If you hover the plus/minus, you'll get the full details.
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
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Now there you go making sense again!
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: