Bring back true Full Screen reading

Is it my imagination or has the full screen reading view been changed to not really be full screen anymore. What I mean is now I can see the notification bar at the top of the screen and the navigation bar at the bottom. I prefer to not see those when I'm reading the bible as 1) they can be distracting (especially the notifications) and 2) they take up screen real estate.
Can the app be changed to hide the notification and navigation bars when reading? Or is there already a way to do that and I just don't know how? It used to do it automatically when you started scrolling.
FYI I'm using a Samsung S8+ with Android 7.0.
That view opens and closes if I just tap the screen on my iPad. BTW I use scroll not page view.
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When I tap it hides the app's menus at the bottom and the top of the app screen but I can still see my phone's notification tray and navigation bar. That was not the case before.
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Mine goes full screen on my iPhone. Perhaps it is an IOS setting, assuming your are on an iPhone. If Android, then someone else may need to assist.
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John Fidel said:
If Android, then someone else may need to assist.
The end of his post gives the device.
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alabama24 said:John Fidel said:
If Android, then someone else may need to assist.
The end of his post gives the device.
**her post** ...And yes I am using an Android device.
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Sorry! [:$]
Some Android users (or FL) will have to chime in.
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I completely agree with your request to “bring back true Full Screen reading”. I believe the blue android status bar which appears at the top of the screen in Reading View is too conspicuous for use on a screen intended for distraction free reading. (When used on other screens for other uses, I think this color is fine, but for the Reading View screen I consider it distracting.)
Kiyah said:When I tap it hides the app's menus at the bottom and the top of the app screen but I can still see my phone's notification tray and navigation bar. That was not the case before.
To my knowledge, the blue android status bar was first used in the Android Beta 2 version. When I initially observed this, I went back and checked the original stable version. It was then that I realized, at least for my phone (Samsung S-4), the android status bar had been there all along but it was black which so perfectly matched the black bezel of my phone that I never realized it was there before.
I subsequently submitted a post to the Android V6 Beta thread requesting the color of the blue status bar be changed to the bluish gray color used in the Android Beta 1 version, the black color used in the original stable version, or the transparent color used in the iOS version. In the same post, I also requested Faithlife add an option to hide the status bar altogether for the most immersive reading experience.
Hopefully Faithlife will consider the important issue your raise as they continue to refine the android mobile app. Here is a link to my previous post:
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Kiyah said:
Can the app be changed to hide the notification and navigation bars when reading? Or is there already a way to do that and I just don't know how? It used to do it automatically when you started scrolling.
FYI I'm using a Samsung S8+ with Android 7.0.
You can auto hide the navigation bar by going to Settings / Display / Navigation Bar / Show and Hide Button. Then, once it hides itself within an app, simply swipe up from the bottom when you want to see it again.
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If you don't mind tinkering a bit, it's possible to hide the status bar at the top as well as the navigation bar at the bottom.
Below is a step by step guide to enable "immersion mode" which hides the status bar. This will hide the bar system wide. You can still access it by swiping down from the top. This requires installing the Android SDK on your computer so you can send instructions to your phone through ADB (in a command prompt window).
Hiding the navigation bar at the bottom is a feature already built into the phone and requires no extra tinkering.
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Hey Guys
So I am using Logos and when I open a bible, I get 6 individual scrollbars aliened down the page, and all I want is just the bible itself open and just the page I am on scrollable, This is the only bible program I could find with the NEB (purchasedit for this program), and I just want to be able to see each page as a whole page or at least the whole page as a whole page scrollable. thanks.