How the Layout Works

James Thompson
James Thompson Member Posts: 297 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This comment is about the functionality of the layout/workspace in v4 in comparision to v3. In v3 (see below) I could configure the workspace so that when I selected a new commentary from the Passage Guide, my target window for commentaries would be updated with the newly selected commentary. No additional windows/tabs would be opened.

 Additionally, if I select a new passage in the Passage Guide and then select one of the listed commentaries both my scriptural reference in the upper right window and the newly selected commentary in the lower right window will change accordingly. Notice that I have several tabs in the windows to the right (in both sections). They are also linked similarily, which means that they will also change (except for the Yale Anchor Dictionary, obviously) to the new passage.

There's no convenient way to accomplish this in v4, at least I can't figure out a way to accomplish it. If I link the Passage Guide window to the sections on the right then everytime I scroll in those sections I automatically run a new Passage Guide report. If I select a different commentary I get a new commentary tab in the lower right section instead of just updating the commentary window. Eventually I'm overcrowded with tabs.

There's got to be something I'm not quite understanding in how v4 links and targets windows. Assuming I've explained my dilemma clearly can anyone suggest how I might accomplish this in v4? 

