A Sunday Prayer for Logos

TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Logos Folks,
It occurred to me this morning that you're walking a hard line trying to isolate and kill bugs, develop a new direction, and educate formerly educated users how to work in the new direction.  Some of our rants point to serious bugs, some of them point to feature wants and some to stubborn refusals to do something differently.  And you have to cull through that and hope that you decide each issue correctly so that future-not-as-hardened-users will somehow automatically see the wisdom in the new direction, won't find any bugs, and will be more productive in studying the word and hearing the SPirit of God through the text of His word.

SO here's to a day of praying for the Logos team.  We (I) appreciate your work, love the program and are just as devoted as you to ensuring the L4 is better than L3 ever was.

Commence praying.

Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

