Feature Request: toggle off/on individual highlights
i use highlights a moderately high amount. Some texts get cluttered with them. My request is two-fold:
1) be able to toggle ALL highlights off/on, and
2) a tic-box by every highlight possibility in the program to toggle it off/on
imagine the power of being able to shut off all markups/highlights except one, to follow that theme without the clutter and distraction of all the others. That would be cool. For teaching I AirPlay Logos onto the big screen and would love to shut off whatever I am not talking about. What a benefit!
thanks for listening
Bearing in mind Highlights are stored in Notes files you can turn them all off for a particular resource from the View Settings menu
Also, as the screenshot shows, you can have multiple notesfiles and - if set up properly - can have specific highlights in specific notes files which should give you what you ask
Does the help at all?
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Thanks for responding0 -
Aaron Eggers said:
The other work-around seems unbearable. I’d rather holdout for a program mod 🙄
Fair enough
But worth noting there is a major rewrite going on to the notes / highlighting subsystem - this was initially seen in the web app, is currently available in beta form on the desktop and will at some stage rollout to the mobile environment.
So I wouldn't expect any changes to how the current system works and we will need to see what the updated one brings / makes possible.
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...hoping they are listening