L3 and L4 compare

I might not be the right person to try this because my L4 spends 5 minutes at every program start indexing (unsuccessfully).
What I am interested in some real time comparison.
eg. How long does it take to boot up L3 and L4 and paste a passage into OpenOffice.
Here are my results (with 5 minutes deducted from L4 ... the time the unsuccessful indexing delays the start).
L3 = 2 mins 3 secs
L4 = 2 mins 6 secs.
Fairly close. But note L4 in B2 does NOT copy/paste Hebrew correctly.
I would be interested in comparing times it takes to search the whole library, since the Indexing is meant to strengthen this feature in L4. I can't do that test because L4 only recognises one third of my books.
Sydney, Australia
StephenMiller02 said:
How long does it take to boot up L3 and L4 and paste a passage into OpenOffice.
Did you mean:-
(How long does it take to boot up L3 and L4?) AND (How long does it take to paste a passage into OpenOffice?)
(How long does it take to boot up L3 and paste a passage into OpenOffice?) AND (How long does it take to boot up boot L4 and paste a passage into OpenOffice?)
Unfortunately I don't have OpenOffice, and the boot times for L4 would be overall slower than L3 by some seconds.
But L4 will search the whole library faster than L3 will search a book.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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You would be just the man to do this test for me. What I am interested in is a real situation test. Your computer is on .... with no programs running, and you decide to use L3/L4.
You choose a task that you would normally want to do in a hurry. My choice of having Psalm 23 in a wordprocessor is only an example. What I am interested in is the difference in time between using L3 and L4.
Run L3 and do the task. How long? Switch L3 off.
Run L4 and do the task. How long?
Two examples I would be interested in are .....
1. How many times does the word "forgive" appear in the NET Bible?
2. How long does it take to search you whole library for references to John 3:16? How many refs were found?
Thanks in advance
PS my overworked CPU is indexing again ....2021 resouirces to go.
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I took a few minutes to do the search.
My machine specs are in my signature; and my machine was formatted a week or two ago right before installing v4.
Here are the results of your searches.
(note: i did the v3 search for John 3:16 two different ways to make sure V3 wasn't being unfairly tested.)Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Can you do the same thing in L4 so we can compare the two versions?
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the shot on the left IS L4.
The times are circled.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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StephenMiller02 said:
You choose a task that you would normally want to do in a hurry. My choice of having Psalm 23 in a wordprocessor is only an example. What I am interested in is the difference in time between using L3 and L4.
Run L3 and do the task. How long? Switch L3 off.
Run L4 and do the task. How long?
Paste into MS Word. L3 & L4 are about the same 2 to 4 secs - taking longer (c. 4sec) the first time in each then faster (2-3 sec).
StephenMiller02 said:1. How many times does the word "forgive" appear in the NET Bible?
66 (for that word, case insensitive). L3 and L4 took about the same 2 sec from click to first display (L4 has a timer that says 1.00sec but that does not include displaying), but L4 takes longer to display all results (when you scroll down you can see L4 still displaying whereas L3 has finished).
StephenMiller02 said:2. How long does it take to search you whole library for references to John 3:16? How many refs were found?
The L4 library is a little different to L3 because L4 doesn't read/install PBB's and has some new library books.
L4 had 1306 and took about 2 secs ---> Basic Search for <bible = jn 3:16>
L3 had 1248 and took about 25 secs ---> Basic Search for bible = "jn 3:16"
Note that these searches are for an exact match for references to John 3:16.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thanks Dave and Rob.
The search time in L4 is obviously the big improvement..... and the layout is better too.
So all the indexing time might pay off.
My Indexing is now at 1979