Not possible to sign in Logos WebApp

i cannot sign in on the Logos WebApp
Nothing happens when I click on the button sign in...
edit: i am using an iPad 3 software version 9.3.5
Shalom Luuk!
What browser are you using? If I am not mistaken Safari is no longer supported on your iPad 3, but you could try another third party browser.
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Thanks for answering. In Chrome the same behaviour: nothing happens whem clicking on the signin button
edit: also the button for playing the video on the signin page is in both browswers not working. The other buttons do, but I don't need them.
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I do not own an iOS device but on Android I have used Opera. According to the following thread on the Apple forums Opera is one of the browsers that are still supported on IOS 9 -
I hope you will succeed in accessing the webapp again.
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I tried to use Opera just as you advised. Didn't work either.
However, on my iPad 3 (9.5.3) I can sign in to logos websites (like forums, logos site, etc) and Logos app but not the Web app. Strange..
I thought it was a temporarily problem, because the button is not behaving like a button, it is just a picture. Which made me think there is a problem with the Web App itself. But because it seems that others do not have this problem, it must be something on my side.
Thanks for your help anyway, appreciated.