URL Scheme / x-callback-url for iOS Logos app

Curious if anyone could point to some documentation, official or not, on whether of not Logos for iOS has this implemented... and if so, to just a few of the guidelines of the implementation.
The old `logosref:...` syntax use to work for me a couple of iOS iterations ago. No longer is this the case, at least in my testing.
Appreciate any help! Thank you
Hey James, we don't implement x-callback-url. That being said, we should still support the `logosref` syntax, so I would be curious to know what isn't working for you.
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Has anybody had any luck utilizing URL schemes with Logos Bible Software and Launch Center Pro or Workflow/Shortcuts?
Here is what I’m thinking. The notes editor in the Logos app is P.O.O.R. and I generally do all of my other non-Bible study note taking and mind scribbling in Drafts 5 or in Ulysses. What would be amazing is if I could have a thought, write it down QUICKLY and then send it to a note within Logos (extra double bonus points if I could link that note to a scripture reference). Similarly, I routinely come across articles about specific verses while reading in feedly on my iPad or iPhone and there is no easy way to link that article to a scripture reference in Logos. I can do this in literally every other iOS app…except for the most important one, Logos.
What this would also do is allow me to read in my physical Bible (which is my preference) and take notes in Drafts 5 or Ulysses as I go, and seamlessly send those notes to the appropriate scripture reference for later continued study.
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That would be great. I also have lofty plans for working with Siri shortcuts and Logos.
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I actually have done this, for both logos and olivetree. I know a few others I could do well. Once the beta version of iOS 13 allows me to send I will post my siri shortcut here.
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If you are running iOS 13 this shortcut will allow you to highlight a scripture reference and it will open the reference in Logos (https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/b75728b26f084fd68653d04269124d98).
I did a screen capture of this not sure you will be able to see it. It walks through the use of this shortcut. I did this for a few different Bible apps as you will see in the video.
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I know that I’m late to the game, but if you want a more robust option for getting Scriptures in your notes using Logos, I’d recommend using Pythonista and a python script. I made a python script that I launch from my notes app (iA Writer at present) where I select the verse and version and send it to the script. The script logs into my logos account, and essentially pulls the passage from the correct translation (i.e. any translation I own and specify) and formats it in multimarkdown. Then I paste it back into my document and I‘m done. One of the benefits is that I format it for my workflow and I get the various translations. The Shortcut version shared by James (which is great by the way) does not open Logos to the specified translation - it only opens your preferred Bible (I think it could be modified to add the reference to the link and then open to the appropriate version though).
TL;DR - you can try using something like python/Pythonista or JavaScript/Scriptable to create a more robust system that can be launched from the iOS share sheet and still use your Logos Bible resources.
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Mason, this sounds sick. This would be something I've dreamed of but don't have the skill to do. Would you consider sharing your python script? I have enough skill that I'm pretty sure I could mess around with that as a starting point and get to where I want to go...
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I would ask for the same on macOS' side too.
Logos could easily support both syntaxes:
logosres:lrngbibgrmrwkbk;ref=Page.p_298;off=265 (logosref syntax)
logosres://lrngbibgrmrwkbk?ref=Page.p_298&off=265 (x-callback-url standard syntax)
See how the second line automatically gets recognized as a link by this webpage?
This opens up lots of integration possibilities.
Many apps refuse to recognize logosref links as links, but would recognize x-callback-url links as links.
Faithlife, please consider supporting x-callback-url both on iOS and macOS soon!
This will open the door to all sorts of automations.
Personally I can't wait to be able to link from Google Docs and with Hook without going through Refly.
(And now this makes me wonder why Refly was put in place instead of x-callback-url? Maybe it predates it.)
Thanks for any answer to make sure this request is not forgotten inside Faithlife!
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My example wasn't formatted to the best of the spec, so let me link a better resource here:
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Daniel Jomphe said:
I would ask for the same on macOS' side too.
Logos could easily support both syntaxes:
logosres:lrngbibgrmrwkbk;ref=Page.p_298;off=265 (logosref syntax)
logosres://lrngbibgrmrwkbk?ref=Page.p_298&off=265 (x-callback-url standard syntax)
See how the second line automatically gets recognized as a link by this webpage?
Noting this callback link actually doesn't work (on Windows desktop) - it opens Logos, but not the resource and location. Logos implemented the ref.ly syntax years ago, which should be working for you: https://ref.ly/logosres/lrngbibgrmrwkbk?ref=Page.p+298&off=265
Have joy in the Lord!
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The x-callback-url was en example of how simple it would be for Logos to support it. It's not yet supported by the app to open a resource.
I'm aware of the Refly syntax, but it launches an intermediary browser and the webapp before delegating to the desktop app, and this is a major impediment to its usage in many contexts. The x-callback-url would get rid of this intermediary, and this is why it would be so great to support it. We would get the best of both worlds.
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Daniel Jomphe said:
I'm aware of the Refly syntax, but it launches an intermediary browser
It doesn't on iOS, which appears to be what http://x-callback-url.com/ ("iOS interapp communication") is targeting. So that problem's already solved without x-callback-url.
On macOS, we may be able to fix the "web browser opening" problem by using associated domains starting in macOS 10.15: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com_apple_developer_associated-domains
(Windows is a different issue; I'm unaware of any forthcoming solutions for that platform.)
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James Sumners said:
If you are running iOS 13 this shortcut will allow you to highlight a scripture reference and it will open the reference in Logos (https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/b75728b26f084fd68653d04269124d98).
Great shortcut! I tweaked it a little so that now it can be run from the share sheet or straight from the shortcut.
Run from Sharesheet: Shortcut will take highlight as a scripture reference and open it in Logos. (just like it did before).
Run from Shortcut: If no shortcut input is detected, then shortcut will ask for a scripture reference from you and then open it in Logos.
Here's my updated version of the shortcut: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/8e6104bc49054c5f82200999a8dce821
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Cool, I'll check it out.
I am working on an app specifically for taking notes for both teachers and students which will link bible references to your preferred Bible app. And I hope to include call back features like this as well.
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Thanks for this. With a small change it works fine for Olivetree.
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Hey Todd,
I was hoping I could make a plea to Faithlife to implement some type of universal linking in their Logos app (reference: https://hookproductivity.com/help/integration/data-linkability-and-why-it-matters/). It's great that I can create a link to a resource in Logos, but currently I cannot link to other resources in 3rd party apps by pasting their external links into the Notes section of Logos (it looks like only http(s) URLs work in Notes). As an example, I would like to link to a DevonThink document or use a link generated by the Hook App to something like Scrivener inside of Logos's Notes. Thanks for your time!
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If I understand this (and I’m far from sure I do), the developer has to manually whitelist the various apps you want to use. So I think you stand a better chance of success if you list what those apps are for you.
if you are on iOS, you can work around it by using https://tinyurl.com/. Paste your app specific url there and then Logos will recognize the tiny UR substitute which will then paste into notes because it is an http link.