Issues with downloading from the internet? Is this a known problem.

I purchased logos back in 2006 or 2007 I have always been updated. When you changed your software a few years later I want to say in 2009 or 2010 it crashed my computer. I tried again to download it to my apple thinking it's 2018 it has to have gotten better and continued to have problems. With not opening but constantly opening without anything else happening? Is this a known problem? I am online with the basics is this enough to access all of my books? I am on a MacBook Pro.
Hi Pastor Kim - and welcome to the forums
Sorry to hear you are having problems
Please clarify if you are using the Logos software downloaded to your computer of if you are using the web app at (I ask as you sorted in the web app forum)
If using they downloaded version, this thread may be moved to the Logos 7 forum where more people May see it and be able to help.
And if the downloaded version, which version of Logos 7?
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Pastor Kim said:
I am online with the basics is this enough to access all of my books? I am on a MacBook Pro
Welcome [:D]
Logos Web App => includes online access to vast majority of resources. Caveat: a number of older resources have contractual mobile license restrictions so they can only be used in Faithlife applications (Logos and/or Verbum) on your computers running macOS and/or Windows.
Pastor Kim said:With not opening but constantly opening without anything else happening?
Curious if have dragged Logos application from downloaded disk image to a folder: e.g. Applications, Downloads, Documents, ... => Install on Mac
Trying to open Logos from downloaded disk image always crashes (since temporary path for disk image cannot be used by indexer)
Pastor Kim said:When you changed your software a few years later I want to say in 2009 or 2010 it crashed my computer.
Curious about computer in 2009 or 2010 ? If Mac, then also experienced many crashes with Logos 4 Mac Alpha and Beta releases. Logos wiki has => Mac Release Notes and History Also remember feeling like Christmas with each Alpha release as more functionality was enabled.
Keep Smiling [:)]