Microsoft Desktop Search & Slow Down or compatibility

I have Microsoft Desktop Search installed on my machine and I know it indexes a lot. I never use it; do you know if it would cause any problem or conflict with v.4 Beta if I uninstall it? I'm thinking anything I can "throw overboard" might lighten the load. Thanks.
You shouldn't experience any problems, our indexer is our own standalone program, and microsoft's indexer does run in the background. So go ahead should be okay.
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One more thing on indexing. If I can turn my computer off with Microsoft's Desktop search indexer, why can't I turn off my computer while v. 4 is indexing without it having to re-start indexing?
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My answer is that we haven't developed the indexer over the amount of time that Microsoft's Desktop indexer was developed. (Also our indexer and search results are much much more in depth including operators which can really narrow down your search, and it holds tons more info about the occurrence of the word for example how many letters from the beginning of the book and how many words, the ranking of its proximity, count, etc.) But our goal is to implement the same concept of not having to re-index every time after we finish optimizing the indexing of the books, after that we will focus on having it gracefully "pause" itself when unexpected events shut it down during its indexing. To elaborate, the indexer must be able to store its progress on disk to reload it later, and we just haven't implemented that yet.
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Thanks, George, for your helpful response.
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George Allakhverdyan said:
My answer is that we haven't developed the indexer over the amount of time that Microsoft's Desktop indexer was developed. (Also our indexer and search results are much much more in depth including operators which can really narrow down your search, and it holds tons more info about the occurrence of the word for example how many letters from the beginning of the book and how many words, the ranking of its proximity, count, etc.) But our goal is to implement the same concept of not having to re-index every time after we finish optimizing the indexing of the books, after that we will focus on having it gracefully "pause" itself when unexpected events shut it down during its indexing. To elaborate, the indexer must be able to store its progress on disk to reload it later, and we just haven't implemented that yet.
Please only mimick the concepts... I have found Microsoft Desktop indexer to be a resource hog and when I am looking for a file I ended up reverting to Microsoft Search Companion (the stand search before indexer came along) found what the indexer wasn't finding... hence I ditched the the Microsofts indexer....