


  • B. Johnson
    B. Johnson Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I'm new to the Canvas tool and am having two issues:  When downloading a pericope, it seems to have a maximum number of characters limiting how many verses can be inserted.  True?  Also, I am unable to save the canvas as an image.  It does not bring up the dialogue box.

    This is what I see:  

    No other dialogue box comes up.  When selecting export, it clocks for a moment and says "Exporting" but does allow selection of location or file type.

    Any help is appreciated.

  • B. Johnson
    B. Johnson Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    It looks like others (way back in 2018) have had the same problem with exporting the canvas as an image.  Being able to do this was why I created the canvas.  Now I'm unable to utilize it as I planned, unfortunately.

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,821 ✭✭✭

    I don’t really use Canvas so can’t offer any comment on your issue but as work around can you take a screen shot of your canvas and save the screenshot as an image?

    It looks like others (way back in 2018) have had the same problem with exporting the canvas as an image.  Being able to do this was why I created the canvas.  Now I'm unable to utilize it as I planned, unfortunately.

  • Myke Harbuck
    Myke Harbuck Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭

    It looks like others (way back in 2018) have had the same problem with exporting the canvas as an image.  Being able to do this was why I created the canvas.  Now I'm unable to utilize it as I planned, unfortunately.

    You can make a high resolution screenshot of your Canvas design. Just enlarge to almost full screen, then capture your screen and save the image.

    Myke Harbuck
    Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
    Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College

  • Bob Lankford
    Bob Lankford Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    I have a question - I highlight a word and try to change the text color but it does not change, no matter how many times I keep hitting the text color. Even after closing the document and re-opening it, the text remains black. Why doesn't the text color change?

    Bob Lankford

  • Bob Lankford
    Bob Lankford Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Well, I just discovered that I had the word boxed and it would not change colors when it is boxed. I removed the box and I was able to change the text color with no problem. I then replaced the box and the text remained the new color. Who knew? Well,there you go! I learned something today.