MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith Member, MVP Posts: 53,031 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited November 21 in English Forum

I am one of those users with broad interests including Perseus, Text Creation Partnership, etc.  As a result less than 50% of my resources are Bible related. So in L7 I kept both my Library and Search limited to a collection that was the subset of Bible related resources (minus some I considered useless). This kept my results useful.

1. In Logos 8 there is no way to have a persistent subset on your library. It requires 3 clicks to get to what used to be persistent. This is not helpful for someone with a large, diverse library.

Again in a large library, the facets are not particularly useful ... too many clicks to get enough entries to show and too much dependence on remembering precise names. The Collections is the only major gain that the new library offers me. That is not a complaint because I see it a a major enhancement for people with small libraries.

2. However, I would like to have some additional facets that would be useful to those of us with large collections - ones I could have used today for testing and answering questions.

  • indexes (in information one resource at a time ... and a frequent cause of system misbehavior).
  • search fields (in information but difficult to find which resources have what fields esp. morphology)
  • used in what datasets (I have to go to manuals)

Add those facets and I have some really great uses for the library facets ... and nice things to say about Logos 8.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
