I have a ! in my syncing icon

I have a ! in my syncing icon. It does not keep logos from working. It appears on multiple computers. My Laptop and my desktop. I can change a document on my Desktop and it will also be on my laptop. It is working fine. I do not know why I have the ! in the syncing icon.7026.Logos Log Files.zip
Here is my log files. Thanks.
Hi James - and welcome to the forums
From your logs the problem relates to trying to sync a reading plan
2018-10-30 15:00:49.8310 20 Error SyncV2Client Sync client errors: 0 upload, 1 download
2018-10-30 15:00:49.8340 20 Error SyncManager Sync client ReadingPlanSyncItem error: ServerError (Startup)
2018-10-30 15:00:49.8430 20 Info SyncManager Finished requesting sync on all sync clients.
2018-10-30 15:00:49.8460 20 Info SyncManager Requesting sync on all sync clients
2018-10-30 15:00:49.8949 20 Error SyncV2Client Sync client errors: 0 upload, 1 download
2018-10-30 15:00:49.8979 20 Error SyncManager Sync client ReadingPlanSyncItem error: ServerError (Normal)This may well be an instance of an intermittent sync problem that Faithlife are trying to resolve as per https://community.logos.com/forums/t/173513.aspx