How do you edit a Text item on Canvas?

Pieter J.
Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I tried the Contextmenu >> Edit, Double-Click and just Typing on a selected Text item. Nothing enables me to edit the Text inside an Item.

Does anyone know how to do this?



  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,813

    I can do this just by clicking on the text object once (to select the bounding shape) and then typing to replace, or double clicking (or right clicking and choosing Edit) to highlight the text, then clicking again to set the cursor inside the text to modify just part of what is in the field. 

    This sounds more or less what you are doing.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Pieter J.
    Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks for the reply. After trying and trying again for several times I discovered the solution.

    If you drop a Text item between the boundaries of a Bible Text it doesn't matter if you Bring the Text item to the front or send the Bible Text to the back, it doesn't work.

    If you move the Text item out of the Bible Text boundaries it's a whole new game because it works. I think somehow the keyboard  events doesn't bubble through to the Text item but is canceled by the Bible Text Keyboard Event Handler. (I hope "bubble" is the correct term for WPF?)

    Maybe this is a Bug?

  • Donnie Hale
    Donnie Hale Member Posts: 2,036 ✭✭✭

    If you drop a Text item between the boundaries of a Bible Text it doesn't matter if you Bring the Text item to the front or send the Bible Text to the back, it doesn't work.

    I experienced the same problem. If the text item overlaps the boundaries of a Bible text, the text item becomes uneditable.


  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    The best way to avoid conflicts is through layers (unsupported). Type Cmd+Shift+L to open the layers palette.

  • Pieter J.
    Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭

    The best way to avoid conflicts is through layers (unsupported). Type Cmd+Shift+L to open the layers palette.

    Where do I get hold of the shortcuts or help regarding the Canvas?

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,813

    If you drop a Text item between the boundaries of a Bible Text it doesn't matter if you Bring the Text item to the front or send the Bible Text to the back, it doesn't work.

    That's helpful to know as I haven't encountered that yet.

    Thanks for getting back with the solution.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    Where do I get hold of the shortcuts or help regarding the Canvas?

    As Reuben mentioned there is a layers palette accessible through Ctrl-Shift-L, but it is not feature ready and is completely unsupported.

    But here's a partial list of some shortcut keys I've found most helpful:

    Cursor keys to move the shape around 1px at a time.
    Shift-Cursor to move at the current grid size.
    Ctrl-Cursor to change the size of a shape by 1px.
    Ctrl-Shift-Cursor to change the size by the grid size.

    Ctrl-L to toggle lock so shape can't be edited. Useful if you want to draw on top of a shape without constantly selecting and moving it around By stray clicks.
    (Unfortunately, this also launches Library)

    Alt-Shift-Cursor keys to clone shape and connect

    Ctrl-Shift-B Move shape to back behind foreground shapes
    Ctrl-Shift-F Move shape to front above other shapes

    Ctrl-A Select all
    Ctrl-Shift-A Deselect

    Ctrl-G to group objects
    Ctrl-Shift-U to ungroup objects

    Ctrl-G also creates a container if only one object is selected. Once you turn a shape in to a container you can place other shapes inside it and then be able to drag the the children around inside the container as well as collapse/expand the parent.

    Ctrl-Click to change the selection mode

    Ctrl-D to duplicate shape

    Ctrl-R to rotate shape by 90deg

    Ctrl-Shift-H Fits visible shapes in the screen
    Ctrl-J Fits the page in the screen

    Mousing around:

    Wheel scrolls vert
    Shift-Wheel scrolls horz
    Alt-Wheel zooms in/out

    Ctrl-+/- Zooms in/out

    Space-Cursor Pans around canvas

    Shift-resize shape to constrain proportions
    Ctrl-Alt while resizing resizes from center

    Alt-Dragging/resizing shape in grid view, frees the snap to grid

    Esc Cancels current operation

  • Richard Wardman
    Richard Wardman Member Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭

    Where do I get hold of the shortcuts or help regarding the Canvas?

    As Reuben mentioned there is a layers palette accessible through Ctrl-L, but it is not feature ready and is completely unsupported.

    But here's a partial list of some shortcut keys I've found most helpful:

    Cursor keys to move the shape around 1px at a time.
    Shift-Cursor to move at the current grid size.
    Ctrl-Cursor to change the size of a shape by 1px.
    Ctrl-Shift-Cursor to change the size by the grid size.

    Ctrl-L to toggle lock so shape can't be edited.
    (Unfortunately, this also launches Library)

    Alt-Shift-Cursor keys to clone shape and connect

    Ctrl-Shift-B Move shape to back behind foreground shapes
    Ctrl-Shift-F Move shape to front above other shapes

    Ctrl-A Select all
    Ctrl-Shift-A Deselect

    Ctrl-G to group objects
    Ctrl-Shift-U to ungroup objects

    Ctrl-G also creates a container if only one object is selected. Once you turn a shape in to a container you can place other shapes inside it and then be able to drag the the children around inside the container as well as collapse/expand the parent.

    Ctrl-Click to change the selection mode

    Ctrl-D to duplicate shape

    Ctrl-R to rotate shape by 90deg

    Ctrl-Shift-H Fits visible shapes in the screen
    Ctrl-J Fits the page in the screen

    Mousing around:

    Wheel scrolls vert
    Shift-Wheel scrolls horz
    Alt-Wheel zooms in/out

    Ctrl-+/- Zooms in/out

    Space-Cursor Pans around canvas

    Shift-resize shape to constrain proportions
    Ctrl-Alt while resizing resizes from center

    Alt-Dragging/resizing shape in grid view, frees the snap to grid

    Esc Cancels current operation

    This is really helpful, Randy. Thank you! I hadn't discovered many of these. 

  • Pieter J.
    Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭

    Thanks for the shortcuts. I played with Canvas and made this document public:

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,813

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Richard Wardman
    Richard Wardman Member Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the shortcuts. I played with Canvas and made this document public:

    What a sport! Thanks Pieter!