Logos 8 Team - Thank you

I'm probably gonna get some negative feedback on this post and maybe some positive also, but I just have to say this. Reading the different posts the last couple of days since the upgrade, there has been some positive feedback regarding different bugs, crashes, and further enhancements to the program. But I also see a lot of negative comments and dissatisfaction with L8. Enhancing and rolling out a major update is bound to have bugs and issues. Even though it's been beta tested and looked at a million times prior to roll out, there is bound to be a few glitches. And as human nature goes, we humans are resistant to change, but change will happen regardless. I'm sure Faithlife appreciates the positive feedback of something not working so they can fix it, but after reading many other negative comments, that has to be demoralizing also. I will be the first to admit I posted an issue I couldn't figure out the other day, but after working with the program I figured out that what I was against actually is better, so I apologize to Faithlife for being hasty with my comment.
All I'm saying is, as Christians, can't there be more constructive, helpful comments made instead of bashing L8 in these posts. I don't know how many users there are, but FL can't please everyone, so consider what you're posting, positive feedback or negative feedback.
Thank you FL and the Logos team for the upgrade, it has many new features that are awesome: canvas, notes and more. (And no I'm not bucking for a free lifetime subscription to connect, just stating what's on my heart).
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Yes thank you FL and the Logos team for the upgrade. [Y]
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I appreciate your post Ron. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and especially your positive comments.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Thanks for your positive post, Ron.
L8 is a wonderful product, a substantially improved upgrade and the L8 roll out has been much smoother than in the past. The FL team hears user feedback and is working hard to improve L8 in response. That is why I keep increasing my investment in Logos.
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I agree. Great job and kudos to the Logos 8 team. As a lay person that's used the software since version 6, I can definitely say version 8 was a massive upgrade for me. Version 7 was mainly a library upgrade for me. 8 has addressed most of my biggest issues.
- Notes has been upgraded from acceptable to nearly great.
- Canvas is the mind mapping type tool I've been wanting. Time will tell if it's as useful as I'm hoping it to be.
- Workflow seems like a powerful and practical tool for a lay person like myself
- I'm really liking the custom guide options.
- The speed increase is very welcome
- The UI changes has made the program more accessible than ever
- The interlinear view in the text comparison tool is very useful.
The only quality of life feature that's still at the top of my wish list is a dark mode.