Priortize Theology?

I would say "yes".
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Thanks Bruce, I will try it then.
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I don't think it has any bearing on the theology guide. None of the resources I prioritized came out in the guide.
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I don't think it is searching all theology resources- until it does the guide is not very useful.
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I don't think prioritization would have any significant effect. They don't have identical structures the same way Bibles or commentaries do.
Whyndell Grizzard said:I don't think it is searching all theology resources- until it does the guide is not very useful.
At this initial stage, you are sadly correct.
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Matt Hamrick said:
Since there is a Theology guide, should we prioritize our theology resources?
Prioritization affects resources that are indexed by a common data type (e.g., Bible, Apostolic Fathers, or Calvin's Institutes) and controls which resource is used to look up the text of a data type reference.
Since there is no common indexing scheme for systematic theologies, prioritisation will have no effect.
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Well that clarifies it. I was under the wrong assumption. [:$]
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God