Suggestion: Filter on Workflow steps
It would be excellent if there could be some kind of filter on custom workflows to give the ability to exclude or include a step or group of control for certain passages. Currently there is only an include option (Only for these passages) It is obvious that you can construct an exclude on this, but the range of passages could become very large.
Reason: Some questions are not applicable to every passage. Lets say I have a step to handle questions in Psalms, then Psalm 1 would render Concordance Questions empty and my study for Questions would be redundant. I need to list every Psalm that have questions to enable inclusion and exclusion. Maybe controls can be within a Group linked to a Tool, if that tools result is empty the other controls don't render. It can also maybe link the step to a group, if that group is not visible the step doesn't render.
Maybe If the user can specify a query as inclusion: {Section <PropositionalOutline = Question>} then it would work?
Solution: If there are any other solution I will appreciate info.
The current menu to edit inclusion: