Beta 3 performance

I've been using Beta 3 to write some notes, and performance is so bad it's silly.
I can type reasonably fast, but the notes simply can't keep up - not even remotely. I can type a whole paragraph before Logos notes actually shows the text for the first sentence.
It seems to be a rendering issue in general - doing a search of the ESV for "fruit" shows that while Logos returned the results in less than a second, it takes a minute or so for all the occurances to be rendered.
Also, the well known switching between books seems particularly bad.
I also noticed that if I have a word study dialog or a search dialog open, the performance while typing gets noticably worse. Closing them helps, but words are still rendered slightly slower than I type them.
Team Logos: Can you do some performance tuning prior to the next release? Please? These issues almost make the product unusable, which means that testing the product is less productive overall and may cause the overall quality of the final product to be lower due to what we can actually test in a real world scenario.
I'm doing pretty good and the results only take a second to display. I'm still indexing my library and Logos is using over 90% of both my processor cores but it still functions ok. I opened a few resources and searched the ESV for the word "for" and it is a little slower but the results still only take a few seconds. If I search for "for" in Top Bibles it really bogs down. The search took 36 seconds but it still displayed much quicker than you are reporting.
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While my note performance isn't nearly as horrible as yours..the lag is unacceptable.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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DarrylBurling said:
I can type reasonably fast, but the notes simply can't keep up - not even remotely.
As I type Logos is about a second or two behind where I type. I've got a pretty fast computer, with a pretty good graphics card, so it seems that something in the code is not allowing the text to display quickly enough. The text is there, but the lag is in displaying it on the monitor.
I also noticed that as I typed the Bible text was jumping around a bit. By the time I finished adding a note to Eph 4:17, I was looking at Eph 5:20 (though Eph 4:14 was still displaying in the 'go to' box on the tab. Strange behavior.
[Dell Studio XPS 435MT; Vista 64bit Home Premium (SP2); 6GB DDR3 RAM; 465GB free HD space on C:\; CPU: Intel i7-920 2.67GHz (8MB L3 cache); Video ATI Radeon HD 4850 (512MB)]
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Unfortunatley, I have an average computer, not terribly fast. Logos 4 has to run relatively fast on average performance machines. That's what most of us have.
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I agree that the lags are making L4b3 difficult to test.
To this point I've not said much about it since It was indicated earlier that some optimization would be coming down the road. Particularly loathsome are the long waits for the command bar and the search starter command bar to respond. (The throbber just keeps going and going and going.)
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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DarrylBurling said:
I can type reasonably fast, but the notes simply can't keep up - not even remotely. I can type a whole paragraph before Logos notes actually shows the text for the first sentence.
How big is Your notefile?
I can hardly type text faster in notefile than Logos 4 render the text on screen even if I just "hammer" with my fingers on the keyboard. But I have just an test file with just a few notes. And for the moment only two windows opened in Logos 4 (B3) (ESV and notefile)
I have much better perfomence in v4 than before in v3. It's i big difference.
My Spec:
- HP
- Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU
- T7200 @ 2.00GHz
- 2.00 GHz. 3.36 GB RAM
- PAE (Physical Adress Extension)
- Windows XP Professional SP3
My laptop is 2½ year old.
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I started a new note and just started typing a sentence and Logos couldn' keep up.
I have no problem with lagging in other areas of the app, just in the note files
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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EbbeAndréasson said:
How big is Your notefile?
I have one note file in L4 with 4 very short notes and still have the problem. It must be that Swedish is so much more efficient than English. [;)]
It could be that XP Pro is taking advantage of your PAE options and even beats my 64bit system with a quadcore i7 at this point. Pretty cool (for you). But echoing the text to the screen shouldn't be that processor intensive. If it is, something strange is going on.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Richard DeRuiter said:
It must be that Swedish is so much more efficient than English.
You're a lucky guy. This week I offer a Swedish cource specially focused on fast typing in notefiles. [:O]
Strange with this big differences from Yours and my experince.
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EbbeAndréasson said:
You're a lucky guy. This week I offer a Swedish cource specially focused on fast typing in notefiles.
Strange with this big differences from Yours and my experince.
Cool! The only Swedish I know I learned from the Swedish Chef on the Muppet show, and he never typed anything. [;)]
When I tried it again this morning, it seems to be working much, much faster, though there is a barely noticeable lag. This makes me wonder about a memory leak, or some other program responsiveness degradation over time.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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This is off topic - Rich, Does your website still work?
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Yes it does. (just checked).
I haven't updated it, or done anything with it for quite a while, but all my work is still there.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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When I type in your website this is what appears:
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Mark Martin said:
When I type in your website this is what appears: works correctly for me.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Thanks Guys,
Most be a problem through our provider
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This may be because of a javascript program that handles mouse-overs on some buttons. An over-zealous safety setting could be to blame.
Try the following URL, which doesn't have the mouse-over javascript in place (at least it didn't seem to be working for me).
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Going back on topic
, I found that restarting Logos sped things up significantly - although there is still a lag that doesn't exist in other programs.
Once I've opened search or word study, things slow down rapidly.
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DarrylBurling said:
Going back on topic
, I found that restarting Logos sped things up significantly - although there is still a lag that doesn't exist in other programs.
It is quite common that response begins to slow down, even on the fastest machines:
- switching/closing tabs
- typing a command
- displaying search results
Some optimisation is clearly needed, because it's performance at times can be v3 like and worse.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
it's performance at times can be v3 like and worse.
Hehe... if only it was anywhere near as fast as v3 - at least on my machine. L4 makes L3 look like an angry tiger for speed