My Issues With The Offline Lookups

Bukari Daniel
Bukari Daniel Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum
  1. With the offline word lookups which was introduced  in version 6.2.3. What I have noticed is when am reading the New Testament  and I tap on a word it brings up Hebrew lexicon of the same word though it’s supposed to bring up the Greek lexicon. It happens on the order way round sometimes when am reading the Old Testament and I tap on a word it brings up the Greek lexicon of the same work, which I see is misleading because the Hebrew and Greek of the same word does not necessarily mean the same. Yet when I happen to be online it does the job perfectly witbout mixing thing up.
  2. secondly I have 5 lexicons a and a number of bible dictionaries as well as some of the Bibles like the NLT has a dictionary. sometimes whenever I tap on a word it randomly pick and choose a bible dictionary or randomly choose a lexicon. Yet when am online it s sticks  to one lexicon which is VCEDOTNT. Is there a way to choose a preferred lexicon for offline lookups just as we choose a preferred bible.


  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    Sorry you're having trouble!

    sometimes whenever I tap on a word it randomly pick and choose a bible dictionary or randomly choose a lexicon. Yet when am online it s sticks  to one lexicon which is VCEDOTNT.

    When you select a word that doesn't occur in your downloaded lexicon(s), lookup will find the word in a dictionary (system dictionary if needed). Make sure that the lexicon(s) you'd like to use are downloaded. 

    Is there a way to choose a preferred lexicon for offline lookups just as we choose a preferred bible.

    I believe this is determined by your resource prioritization (done only in the desktop library; do you have a desktop installation?).