Bug: Possible... maybe... Bible Word Study-Septuagint Translation -Verse link

Roy Member Posts: 965 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I was watching the video for NT331- Romans by Moo and trying to follow along in Logos8.

The video was "Identifying The common Greek  root for 'Righteousness' and 'Justify'".

The announcer was walking through how do a word study.
He had us open to Romans 1:17 and right click on the word/phrase "righteousness of God".
Select Lemma on the right and Bible Word Study on the left.

Once the Bible Word Study pane opened he had us go to the Septuagint Translation section and click on the bottom half of the ring diagram (for the word δικαιοσύνην ... ).

This produced a verse list where this word appears.

He then had us scroll the list to Psalms 50:16.

Here is where the bug is at. If you hover on the verse reference in that list (Psalms 50:16) the verse pops up and the 50:16 reference appears at the bottom of the pop-up. But the text of the pop-up is wrong. The text belongs to 51:14) . If you click that link it opens to Psalms 51:14. It also does the same thing in the video.

Is this actually a bug in the linking or it this a verse numbering (septuagint difference) type thing?

I know the description leading up to the actual bug was kind of long but it was the only way I thought I could accurately describe it.



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    Roy said:

    Is this actually a bug in the linking or it this a verse numbering (septuagint difference) type thing?

    Versification difference. LXX-R Ps 50.16 = (ESV) Ps 51.14 = (NABRE) Ps 51.16 = (DR) Ps 50.16 = (Brenton LXX) Ps 50.14


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Roy
    Roy Member Posts: 965 ✭✭

    Thanks Dave,

    The more I thought about it as I was creating the first post, I started to remember something about....versification (what a word [:)] ) but I had a hard time seeing where it could push everything off by a whole chapter.

    I can look up every thing (resource) you mentioned except for the LXX-R. I know that the LXX is the Septuagint but what is -R. ?? Revised ??

    IS this a LOGOS resource.

    Again thank you.


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    Roy said:

    I can look up every thing (resource) you mentioned except for the LXX-R. I know that the LXX is the Septuagint but what is -R. ?? Revised ??

    Sorry, just saw you had LXX-S, which is LXX Swete.  LXX-R is Logos LXX


    Windows 11 & Android 13