Tagging or organizing sermons in SE?

Reid A Ferguson
Reid A Ferguson Member Posts: 258 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is there a way to tag or sort or group sermons created in the Sermon editor? 



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,008

    Hi Reid

    Is there a way to tag or sort or group sermons created in the Sermon editor? 

    We can do the standard things we can do in the Docs menu

    Were you looking for something more?


  • Reid A Ferguson
    Reid A Ferguson Member Posts: 258 ✭✭

    Hey Graham, thanks. Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines of being able to sort by topic or book of the Bible, etc. I know it "could" be done just by title - but that has its limitations. So say I've preached several sermons on different occasions dealing with or mentioning the topic of giving. But only one of sermons is actually ON giving proper. I would be great to be able to add tags so that I could group them together. Or for me recently since I've started using the SE in earnest. While my current series displays by date, and though they are all in the book of Revelation, they have sermon titles that vary widely which do not necessarily reflect that they are sermons on the book of Revelation. And bear in mind that I might have intervening sermons - say a Thanksgiving sermon which now interrupts the series and so the date becomes less important than the topic or series. 

    Does that make sense?


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,008

    Have you looked at the Key Topics and Key Passages fields in "Sermon info"?

    You can add Topic info - but the topics need to be ones defined in the software - or passage info and this then appears in different guides and tools.

    For example, I have tagged a number of sermons with the topic Discipleship and they appear in the Sermons section of the Factbook

    And i have tagged sermons with Bible passages and they appear in Guides such as the Passage Guide - or in this case the Sermon section guide

    Would this help at all?


  • Reid A Ferguson
    Reid A Ferguson Member Posts: 258 ✭✭

    Thanks Graham - both are reasonable suggestions, but a bit of driving around the corner to get into my own driveway. When you open Docs and then sermons, there they are in a nice columnar format: Name - Type - Date. Seems that just an extra column "Tags" would be boffo! Simple, and in one place. I'm not complaining, just suggestion. Maybe even another column for "Topic" and one for "Reference" or "Passage"?

    Hey, I can dream! 

    Thanks brother.  

  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    Hey, I can dream! 

    Why not dream of having 'tags', 'topics', and 'reference' facets (in addition to the columns) whenever you filter to Sermon docs?! 😉