Notes unavailable on Mac

I had a curious experience where I went to pull up notes for a sermon I have been working on and in Logos for Mac, I couldn't access my notes and my highlights seemed to have disappeared. They are there in the webapp. When I hover over the Notes too, I get a mesage saying "This tool is currently unavailable".
Anyone else have this experience or know how to fix it?
I've seen this 2 or 3 times in the last year and in all cases a simple closing and reopening of the Notes tool fixed it for me. Are you still having a problem after reopening notes or perhaps restarting Logos?
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Thanks for the response!
I have shut down Logos, but that hasn't worked. The notes aren't actually open, so I can't shut it down.
I'm wondering if it has something to do with Logos 8. I haven't purchased an upgrade, but my GUI looks a lot different than I am used to seeing with 7.
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I figured this out. B/C I don't have Logos 8, the Notes in tools doesn't work, but Notes in Documents does. I imagine that when I update to 8, the Notes in Tools will be the functional way to access old notes.