A Recommendation for Training (especially Notes feature)
I have been through all of the free training I can find and it is time to bite the bullet and pay for some more.
I am comfortable with using every feature of Logos 8 except Notes.
I have purchased training from all of the folks offering advanced training in the past and each one has been very good. Worth it in every case.
My goal is to find the most complete pedantic detailed training on the notes feature from whichever trainer offers it.
So, from those of you who have bought some training please help me with a recommendation.... focusing on Notes.... everything else being equal.
Thanking you in advance.
I have bought both MP Seminars as well as Learn Logos. I haven't yet watched the Learn Logos module on Notes.
What specifically are you having trouble with? I can tell you if the videos address the issues.
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David, I am having trouble with notes in general.... actually, trouble is not the right word... I am wanting to get an overview. I am in the process of writing another book and think this tool might be all I need to keep my thoughts organized if I can figure out filing and anchors...
So, since both of those teachers are excellent with a capital E, can you just tell me which spends the most time on notes or if either is more detailed in that arena????
Either is more than fine with me... I just don't suspect I need both (or do I????....you bought both!)!
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I watched the LearnLogos notes video yesterday. John done a really fine job with it. The video is about 25 minutes long. I had been timid to really start using the new notes and was considering reverting back to the old system. After watching John’s video and playing around a little bit, I am comfortable with them and will continue to use the new system.
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I subscribe to mpseminarsonline.com Under the Logos 8 section, Morris has a very detailed bit by bit explanation of the notes. I have viewed each bite sized video and now have a pretty good understanding. IMO this is the best bang for the training buck out there.
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I agree with Pastor Don. I have also taken out a subscription with MP Seminars. Morris does an excellent job of explaining everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.
IMHO this subscription is really a massive help. So much to learn and the way the teaching is broken down into really short sessions makes it easy to absorb as you can easily re-watch just the areas that you struggle with.