Logos 8 SR-2: Logos took an extraordinarily long time to boot.
It seemed to have crashed, but then it did finally finish booting. The splash screen was up for what seemed like almost a minute before the app window began to appear.
Here is the log file.
It seems that the main bottleneck was doing some SQLITE operations related to vacuum_db in preparation for vacuuming the LibraryCatalog database and the ResourceManager database, whatever that means.
2018-12-01 16:20:43.5131 1 Info DataTypeManager (36ms) Initializing data type manager.
2018-12-01 16:20:57.6529 5 Info SQLite Profile 13.48s in catalog.db for: INSERT INTO vacuum_db.'Images' SELECT * FROM main.'Images';
2018-12-01 16:20:59.1300 5 Info SQLite Profile 1412ms in catalog.db for: INSERT INTO vacuum_db.'Records' SELECT * FROM main.'Records';
2018-12-01 16:20:59.3420 5 Info SQLite Profile 15.95s in catalog.db for: SELECT 'INSERT INTO vacuum_db.' || quote(name) || ' SELECT * FROM main.' || quote(name) || ';'FROM main.sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name!='sqlite_sequence' AND coalesce(rootpage,1)>0
2018-12-01 16:21:31.7108 5 Info SQLite Profile 48.33s in catalog.db for: VACUUM;
2018-12-01 16:21:31.7108 5 Info LibraryCatalog (48.33s) Vacuuming LibraryCatalog database.
2018-12-01 16:21:31.7278 5 Info ResourceManager (Timed) Vacuuming ResourceManager database.