Von Gall's Samaritan Pentateuch - Problems typos & imperfections.
The Apparatuses contain numerous typos. More than 4 typos a page. Originally 4 apparatuses they were merged into one, and then the reader cannot know for certain which entry belongs to which apparatus. Moreover, the Kopfleiste is not linked to the page. How do I know when the page changes and a new Kopfleiste should appear?
How are we to use this resource even if and when the huge amount of typos is corrected?
VERY disappointing.
I'll look into this. Do you have another example of a typo? The one you reported matches the print.
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Kyle G. Anderson said:
I'll look into this. Do you have another example of a typo? The one you reported matches the print.
You have three typos in the screenshots I sent when I compare them to the scanned pages on the product page: