MORE problems with Notes

Now I update to Logos and now my new notes won't show up as I marked them in the text.
The notes are there in "Notes," but even though I have anchored them to the verse and I have slotted them in the proper note file that I created for them, they don't appear.
And just when I was starting to see one or two new features about Notes that I was actually liking.
Not happy. At all.
I am so so close to calling and asking someone to walk me through how to uninstall Logos and reinstall back to Logos 7.
I don't have time to horse around and figure out how to switch around these new Notes features from my Logos 7 system. I had that working pretty nicely.
And I have been using Logos since BEFORE Libronix. I have told many a pastor to get this software. Now I'm telling the ones I know NOT to upgrade to 8 until all of the bugs get worked out. Wish I had listened to my own advice.
chrisclark said:
The notes are there in "Notes," but even though I have anchored them to the verse and I have slotted them in the proper note file that I created for them, they don't appear.
Sorry to hear that
Have you checked you have the Notes section enabled in the Visual Filter menu?
If that's not the issue, we'll need to explore further.
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Jonathan Ray said:
People who are brand new to the software don't have a choice but to buy 8, and so I am currently not recommending Logos to friends and family at all.
Logos 7 Basic is still available for free to any friends and family who want to try out Logos 7.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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chrisclark said:
The notes are there in "Notes," but even though I have anchored them to the verse and I have slotted them in the proper note file that I created for them, they don't appear.
And just when I was starting to see one or two new features about Notes that I was actually liking.
Not happy. At all.
I am so so close to calling and asking someone to walk me through how to uninstall Logos and reinstall back to Logos 7.
I don't have time to horse around and figure out how to switch around these new Notes features from my Logos 7 system. I had that working pretty nicely.
I'm sad to hear you have issues. Your description very much sounds like Graham suggested: The Visual Filter may be turned off for the resource you are looking into. If so, the best way to prevent that from happening again is to turn this VF on for all applicable resources:
That said - if this does not solve your issue, please post back so we can try to figure it out for you.
One other aspect: if you really really need to work with the old notes system, you can do so in Logos 8 - there's a command to do this, see this help article: What I'm trying to say is that you may not need to reinstall Logos 7 just for this one reason (but reinstalling L7 works, I have done so, so we can guide you trough it if you really want to go there - and you keep the books from your L8 package!). Others reading this, just for completeness sake: It's perfectly possible to do the opposite and run L7 with the New Notes feature active, so if anybody likes the New Notes but is using L7 for other reasons, the New Notes are there if wanted.
Chris, if you do any of this, note that Notes sync from the old to the new system, but not vice versa. Thus you could go back to the old notes until you feel you're good to go with the New Notes, and all of your notes should be there.They migrate as you go. However, Notes that you made/make in the new system will not retro-migrate into the old system, so the notes and highlights you are doing right now in L8 under the New Notes system will not be present should you switch the notes system or the whole install to old (you can use the New Notes system to find those you made or changed in the last 7 / 14 / 30 days whichever fits best to your upgrade day).
Hope this helps a bit!
Have joy in the Lord!
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PetahChristian said:Jonathan Ray said:
People who are brand new to the software don't have a choice but to buy 8, and so I am currently not recommending Logos to friends and family at all.
Logos 7 Basic is still available for free to any friends and family who want to try out Logos 7.
On top of that there's just been announced a new sale which - among other perks - gives Logos 8 owners the possibility to gift L7 Fundamentals to others. That's $100 in features and resources for free!
But actually I don't get the logic - and in this case Jonathan's as well as Faithlife's - new users should go with L8 because this is where it is now and the direction where it will be in the future. No reason to get accustomed to the L7 way of things and missing out on what makes L8 worthwile. And other than most of us here in the forums, new users don't have a set way of how things work and look like, which might be disrupted by the upgrade.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Jonathan Ray said:
New users that we onboard are usually trained personally by us as well. That means showing them how we set things up and how we operate Logos. There are several new features that make L8 unuseable for me right now. That is where I am coming from.
You have a good point if users want to dig into L8 by themselves. They are not going to know the difference. I appreciate the perspective.
There are pros and cons to training them yourself actually. What if you do not use something as the software intended? What if, on their own, they might actually do it differently? Typically I would say it is better for new users to stick with official training channels so they can see how the software is intended, and then they can make their own personal adjustments etc. For MANY users L8 is not a problem. So if you are sticking with L7 you could potentially be holding back something that could be very useful to someone because it doesn't work the way you like to work with the software. Just a thought. [:)]
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Mick, thanks for the suggestion.
Here's what I wound up doing (after I had calmed down a bit and started thinking it through [;)]
I remembered that I had turned the Notes "off" so that I could access some note files that I had made through the years that had been otherwise unaccessible to me with the new Notes system (or, at least I thought they were unaccessible; maybe they were there for me to find after all). So what happened when I made that switch to "off" was that the new Notes system didn't really turn "off;" I could still see the markings. Only now, with the new Notes system and the old Notes system, I now had two markings for each word and passage, one from the new Notes system and one from the old.
When the upgrade dropped last week, the two notes systems showing symbols was apparently a bug that was squashed. So all that I was seeing was my old notes system markings. The problem was that I was making new notes in the new Notes system. Now those were gone. That's what was making me upset.
Once I thought it through, I went back and switched the Notes system back to "on." Problem solved. And, I can see how I can access my older note files from the old system.
Now I'm back to being happy with the Notes system, for the most part.
(Except for the fact that I still want to be able to set the default font size and markings. Oh, and I want check boxes for the prayer lists that show up on the home page so I don't have to open up every single prayer list file to check the boxes!)
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chrisclark said:
Now I'm back to being happy with the Notes system, for the most part.
Good to hear! All the best for you!
Have joy in the Lord!