Tyndale End Times Collection

Greg Nagley
Greg Nagley Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm looking at the Tyndale End Times Collection (5 vols.) and I'm wondering if this collection views prophecy from any other viewpoint than the Roman Catholic inspired futurism or preterism? Is there any historicism to be found in any of these volumes?



  • Whyndell Grizzard
    Whyndell Grizzard Member Posts: 3,514 ✭✭✭

    They are all basically dispensational- not worth the read- spend your $$ on Dennis Johnsons "Triumph of the Lamb" excellent book, Dean Davis "High King of Heaven", Beale excellent commentary on the Revelation in the NIGNT series. The bibliography in the Beale's volume is loaded with excellent resources to chase and read.