Does indexing slow down the main engine?

Timothy Ha
Timothy Ha Member Posts: 431 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

My configuration is EeePC, 1000H with a 160 HDD and 1 Gb of RAM.

I'm using beta 4.0.3 (

The indexer icon says it has about 160 resources to go.

The main engine is very slow, even in scrolling the Bible text.  I don't know why.  I tried positioning both my mouse (scroll bar clicks) and cursor arrows and spacebar.

Is the main system slow because of an active indexing process?

7801.Libronix Log - Russian Christian Portal, with free Bible software; - blog



  • Timothy Ha
    Timothy Ha Member Posts: 431 ✭✭

    It currently takes abouts 3 seconds to handle a move in an  open text (one turn of the mouse wheel). - Russian Christian Portal, with free Bible software; - blog

  • Timothy Ha
    Timothy Ha Member Posts: 431 ✭✭ - Russian Christian Portal, with free Bible software; - blog

  • Tom Reynolds
    Tom Reynolds Member Posts: 1,458 ✭✭✭

    It slows down the entire computer so I would say yes!

    I am about ready to scream!! If the final product has to reindex the entire library every time you download a new resource I say let's have a way to turn it OFF! I don't need new resource indexed at the cost of my computer for 1/2 a day every time. Let us have control and index whenever we want, i.e. when a large collection comes out or every month.

  • Robert
    Robert Member Posts: 196 ✭✭

    I also have an Eepc, but mine is a 900 with a 30G HDD and 1G ram.

    I have found that L4 actually runs ok, better than L3 I think, on my EePC when it is not indexing.

    The problem is, I couldn't get L4 installed until beta 2 (clearing spece off the 30G drive, since the books need installed to the HDD), then I have spent apx. 6 days in preparing my library and indexing (between installing and upgrading to beta 3). In total I have only had apx. 1 day to actually use L4 for study.

    I have already decided that I am skipping the next beta (or 2) to actually be able to use L4 and make comments on it rather than just commenting on the slowness of the indexing. I loved what I saw with L4. I just hope the indexing issue can find a solution. - Simple Abundant Legacy

  • Ken McGuire
    Ken McGuire Member Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭

    I am about ready to scream!! If the final product has to reindex the entire library every time you download a new resource I say let's have a way to turn it OFF! I don't need new resource indexed at the cost of my computer for 1/2 a day every time. Let us have control and index whenever we want, i.e. when a large collection comes out or every month.

    How about a nag screen at start up - something like "It appears that not all your resources are in your personal Logos 4 index.  Resources not included in this index are not included in searches and reports.  Would you like to re-index?"


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