Bible Outline Browser Resource Link

Pieter J.
Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

It would be great if the Bible Outline Browser could take the user to the Resource

  1. The links in read view let you browse the outline (Yes)
  2. The headings in the comparison view does nothing (No)
  • If these headings could link back to the location in the resource the Outline Browser would be much more productive to use
  • Possible Positive Outcomes:
  1. When comparing Outlines the breakdown structure communicates the possible view of the author. Less breakdown implies a broad discussion, more breakdown implies a detailed discussion.
  2. The read view also communicates the possible perspective used in the Resource (compare Haggai outline from The Bible Guide and The Teacher's Commentary)
  • The Bible Guide focus on work, obedience, encouragement, teaching and promise.
  • The Teacher's Commentary focus more on time periods
This way the Bible Outline Browser would function as an interpretive bridge search linking back to Resources.